
Want to start a reward system for 5 yr old girl...pls help?

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I need some ideas to start a "Reward Chart/System " for a 5 yr old in Kindergarten. What are some things that she should get rewarded for and what is the reward or how do you dole out rewards (how often, how much or what size)?

Please help, I need to know what works for other parents - thank you.




  1. There are so many things that your little girl can do.  She can:

    put her dirty clothes in the hamper

    she can brush her teeth twice a day

    she can eat a vegetable/fruit a day

    she can finish her homework in a timely manner

    she can bring her plate to the kitchen


    Now that my kids are older, we are using the chart to teach math.  We assign each task a point or two, add them at the end of the day and divide the number of days so that the kids will learn some math skills and how they are used in every day life.

  2. This is the chart I bought for my son:

    It has prefilled magnets for things like getting ready for bed, helping mom, feeding pets, no fighting, and it also has blank magnets that you can fill in if there are areas you want to work on.  You could make something yourself, but this chart might give you some good ideas.  It allows you to track for each day and each goal, so you and your child can see how they are doing (you can choose up to four things).

    I try to have my son's chart be a mixture of chore-type activities, like picking up his toys, clearing his dishes, and cleaning up his room, as well as some behavioral issue things, like no whining, getting ready for bed (without a fuss), and sharing.

    Decide ahead of time how many magnets your child will need to earn in order to get a prize.  I usually pick something small, like a diecast car (the ones from the Cars movie--my son adores those).

  3. I have a treasure box at home with 3 toys in it I let my son see his rewards he is eight and every 5 good days at school he gets to pick a prize, yours is younger I would do every 2or3 days for her I always keep 3 items in there when toys go on sale  or my son likes the goodie bags at the dollar tree. I would not buy any thing to big or expensive.

  4. We had a "pull a card", I put up 2 pockets, in 1 pocket we had rewards. In the other pocket we had punishments. Each child is different in what they can handle at this age so you would know best, as well as what punishments to use. My biggest issue with her was to keep things out of the living room floor and put her toys away. My rewards were simple she could watch tv on the living room tv for the night, she could eat her favorite dinner, have an extra play date. My punishments weren't harsh...time outs, favorite toy's taken away for x amount of time and then the big one was no TV for a night. It literally broke her heart just having to pull card from the punishment pocket to be displayed on the wall for all to see, which ended up being enough to keep her doing as told.


    the age where its needed.decide what she can do

    to help you in a little courage her and give

    her confidence you can make a chart so she can

    see it.and put a gold star for that day.tell her she will get a rewarded on SATURDAY.IT CAN BE A TOY OR MONEY TO PUTIN HER GLASS PIGGY BANK.but always give her a little gift all

    wrapped up.if she don't do-to good,a green star,and smaller gift. we know at that age  there

    not going to do there best at the first.but give her time. this system changes a little on her birthday.had er task and other gifts.when she turns 13 it all stops.

  6. I have had a rewards chart for my son since he was that age. What I put on his chart was:

    Dress himself

    Help set dinner table

    Help with laundry

    Make his bed

    Pick up toys each night

    Brush teeth morning and night

    Do 1 nice thing for his brother

    Each thing he did he got a sticker for each day. At the end of the week I give him 1 quarter for each sticker to put in his bank.

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