
Want to start dating a boy but one of my friends cannot stand him?

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I started talking to this boy a little while ago and we're definitely not serious or anything yet, still at the dating stage. we are still in high school, and one of my friends (not best friends, just friends) says she cannot stand him and even won't sit with her boyfriend at lunch because he sits with him (they are close friends). I am not exactly sure why she doesn't like him but it does have something to do with the fact that he had said something that wasnt very nice to her boyfriend before, and he is her best friends exboyfriend. i havent said anything to her yet about us talking, because its just not a big deal and really nobody knows. but i am afraid for anything to get more serious and her to get mad. any help?




  1. this is your don't need your friends approval. it however would be wise to do some research of your own before you commit to a relationship. if your friend gets angry ,remind her that it isn't her who is going out with him ,so it isn't really her concern . friends are meant to be supportive . a good friend will let you know their concerns ,then support your decision. if you are in a bad or violent relationship they should offer you help to could try talking to your friend and find out her concerns and then make an informed decision. again it is your life ,you're never going to be able to please everyone. keep yourself safe .we all make bad choices somewhere in our lives. hopefully we learn from those and make better choices next time round. enjoy YOUR journey and stop worrying about the few hurdles  

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