
Want to stop bullfighting?

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Do you want to help stop bull fighting. Barcelona has banned it, along with many other spanish cities. Here is an addresses. Write and make a difference.

Spanish Embassy

2375 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20037




  1. Hi,

    I live in Barcelona and have been born in Spain's north west, and I assure your bull fighting is not popular in most of Spain, just in Vasc Country (not too much), Pamplona, Andalucía, Madrid, and some parts of Valencia. Meaning, it's no wonder it may be banned in Cataluña, because it just isn't popular, just as it isn't in Asturias, Galicia, Cantabria...But you cannot take it away from people from the South. I confess I don't like it at all, I think it's cruel and it makes no sense at all. But why don't you concentrate your efforts in banning weapons in your own country? Why don't you worry about prisioner being treated inhumanly in Guantánamo?

  2. I live in Madrid, and although I detest bullfighting and do not support it in any way, I feel I do not have the right to say things against it as it is part of the Spanish culture. I do however, believe that it's losing it's attraction with many, and it will probably stop or be stopped in the future.

    I have visited a farm where the bulls who are bred to fight are kept, and I must admit they live a life of pure luxury up until their fateful day.

  3. If your figures are correct then I would imagine bullfighting will faze out without interference, I hate it but its their culture.

  4. Lain has right, put your house in order before trying to attack others people culture. I´m from Spain, and I don´t like the bullfighting o corridas de toros, what u want call it, but i respect it, because is a tradition here since a long time. And probably bulls would be in danger of extinction without this fiesta, because the agriculture has improved mechanical methods, instead of using bulls for plowing  lands

  5. Barcelona Banned it because Catalonia wants to become independant from spain, and are really not like the rest of the spanairds in the sense that they  don´t believe in  bull fights etc.

    Its a cultural thing  in Andalucia  Madrid., & Pamplona for example. So good luck on you´re mission on banning it from every where else in Spain..

    Take care..

    Bcn_mimosa from Barcelona, Spain

  6. I live in Spain. I detest any kind of blood sports including bullfighting. Having said that, I'm a guest in this country and I wouldn't have the audacity to suggest they were in anyway wrong.

    If you are an American then there are many forms of hunting of animals in your country. Put your house in order first before making comments about another countries culture.

  7. if you don't like it don't go.

    think about stopping war instead. it hurts more people and animals

  8. Thanks for the information. I also detest bullfighting.

  9. This is a complete waste of time!

    You have as much chance as banning baseball because it is the national sport of Cuba.

    The reasons that Barcelona has banned bullfighting is because, it is not part of the local culture, it does not pay, and the ban pisses off the 'immigrants'.

    Put your own house in order before trying to attack other peoples' cultures.

    Why Americans protect bulls and allow Iraqis to die in their thousands is beyond belief! Strange fruit?


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