
Want to surprise my boyfriend. Any suggestions at all? Thank you!

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So, on the 19th, I'll be leaving for college, but my boyfriend isn't leaving until the 22nd. We're going to colleges that are about 3 hours apart, but we are going to be seeing each other on the weekends and talking a lot, so are relationship is going to be just fine. We've been dating for 2 years and 7 months and are totally in love. We plan on getting married in a few years. I would like to surprise my boyfriend with just a little present or something before I leave, just something he can take to college with him and feel like I'm closer. I know I love having his clothes and pictures and stuff around. Can you help me with any ideas? We have tons of pictures together, he loves it when I write him letters, I've given him a heart keychain before with some stuff engraved, I've done a collage for his birthday,etc. Anything that's special and not just something generic I can buy at a store. Any ideas or suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated!




  1. How about a scrapbook to compile all your pictures and stuff?

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