
Want to talk about carbon footprints???

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Can any one tell me what the popes carbon footprint may be. Personal jets, pope mobiles, and lighting the vatican must all cost a fortune. What about the catholic church as a hole , it seems every priest nun and brother has a car or at the very least access to one.




  1. Would it be more productive to worry about your carbon footprint, than speculating on someone else's?

  2. We can only change ourselves and hope our choices inspire others.

    When I talk about going green, I never try to convince people about Global Warming or Climate Change. I only talk about conserving finite resources and reducing pollution.

    I have had a few religious people explain that they don't need to worry because no man can ruin what God has created. So, I found a few passages in the Bible that I like to share with them. In Genesis Chapt. 2 God gives a directive for Adam to take care of what was created. Also in Revelations Chapt. 11 there is a verse that says those who destroyed the earth shall be destroyed. Besides Global warming doesn't claim the earth will be destroyed only that it will likely become uninhabitalbe for man.

    Get involved with your local house of worship and help them make possitive changes. And remember don't judge, least you be judged.

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