
Want to tell about your paranormal experience?

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Strange an unexplainable things sometimes happen to people. What happened to you?




  1. once i felt a cold hand touching my shoulder, i looked behind but nothing was there so i thought i was imagining things so i went in the bathroom and washed my face then came back to my room to carry on with my work but then i felt something cold touching my arm and i was pretty certain i wasn't tierd or took any medication or anything plus the room  couldn't have been cold since all the windows were shut and my room is usually actualy always warm

  2. I once found an alien in my backyard shed.  I lured him into the house with Reeses Pieces.  Reese is my brother.  The government found out about him though, and we had to make a harrowing escape involving a flying bicycle.  Government caught us however, and if you have seen Alien Autopsy you know the rest of the story.

  3. I was home alone on Easter. It was bright in my room and it was sunny out. My room and the hallway were well lit up with light. I was sitting on my bed with my laptop in my lap and my tv was on but i had the sound off. I was listening to my iPod. The door to my room is on my right when im on my bed. I can see the door to my parents room and part of the hallway. All of a sudden I see this dark shadow figure pass by my room and go into my parents room. Before my brain even registered that i was seeing something, before my head even finished turning towards it, i got this unexplainable chill feeling throughout my whole body. I had never felt anything like it before. I was frozen for a minute. I felt 100% sure that i had seen "something". I don't know how to explain why I am so sure but i am. I got up and walked and peeked into my parents room and no one was there. It wasn't my dog, it wasn't a shadow from a passing car cuz my house isn't shaped like that. This happened on the second floor so its not like someone was walking past a window or strange.

    Another time I was lying in bed and i was awake with my eyes closed and just thinking about stuff and i felt three fingertips touch my hip and slowly slide back about 2-3 inches then disappeared. I froze again for a minute. Then i reached over and grabbed my remote and turned the tv on to fill the room with light and there was nothing there. Believe me i kept the tv on for the rest of the night..

  4. I was with my dad, I was five or six. We were in Conneticuit...I think. We were staying at this house of some lady named Bonnie that he knew. This house was huge. Seven stories i beleive. Anyway Me and my dad were sleeping on the top floor.

    I woke up and In the chair near the bed I saw a grizzly bear. It's eyes were so terrifying. they looked like they were on fire. In about a quater of the second that I was looking at it, it turned into  my dead grandpa Sammy. I looked away and ran down the stairs to my dad who was wringing out socks.

  5. ******I once had what felt like a spirit pass through me.  There was a witness, and I turned pasty white and my knees buckled.  I was sober.  I believe, after studying these things that it was what Edgar Cayce refers to as a parrallel experience.  I called everyone I love after the experience cause I was certain that something terrible had happened.  I never answered the question as to what did occur.  Only through studying these types of phenomena do I now have some idea of what it is about.  Pretty Wild!

  6. I practice inducing "out of body experiences,Ethereal projection". This is all you need to know.

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