
Want to throw a suprise birthday party for my friend.... BUT!!! ?

by  |  earlier

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She's turning 14 and she's really excited. Her parents aren't very "social" and they don't speak English. So her parents don't have barely any money, so they can't even get her a birthday present right now, let alone a party. I think it would be fun. BUT my house is very very very very tiny. Like I'm not even exaggerating, it has 2 bathrooms, and like the smallest kitchen EVER, and the house is tiny in general. I can't do it at her house, cause it will be a suprise and I can't plan a suprise party at her house. So do you have any solutions? Thank you so much!!




  1. usually you can have one like at a park...a nice clean park with litke benches an dstuff i'm not sure it will be a supprisse but it sure will be funn. u can have barbeque and fun game............if that isn't working you can have  a party like at a bowling alley it doesn't have to be at your house it can be at a local park ot gmaes arcade thing like that.

    i just havn't figured out where u guys will hide

  2. That is really sweet of you,,to care for your friend and give her a party.. surprise and all

    Well, the suggestion that you got first is excellent,, all those could work,,

    may is suggest that you keep it simple, and you nor her will get disappointed,, trying to coordinate something like that is really hard,,

    i wouold first get a great big birthday card, and have as many people including her parents, friends, cats and dogs, gardeners etc sign it and write something,, because she can keep that forever, and when she is down, or feeling bad she can read it and know how important she is,,, and this is great for a young lady in the world, of so many people.

    Next,, if it is a few people, you could have everyone meet you at a mcdonalds, or something like that,

    and although you are not babies anymore,, you could really have fun and laughs at a chucky cheese, or a beach somewhere,,

    or a spot you go to hang out..

    just having people tell her happy birthday..

    take some pictures, etc, it will be cool

    dont take on more than u can handle

    because if you get stressed and all goes wrong and noone is around is will make her have a bad memory,,

    so take it slow, and few,,and ask for other opinions, and take the one you can do, easily and the purpose is for fun., and celebrate that she is here,, and include her family because it will give them joy and they can help..

    so instead of=parents house and parents,

    think of including parents, and friends.

    good luck..have fun,,  ps

    i just had another idea,, have everyone who comes to her party write down on a piece of paper a short description of what they like about her. or some funny story etc, but have everyone,, do it and it will be great laughs great memories, and everyone will feel they took part in the celebration

    can i come to the party??  LOL

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