
Want to transport 12' windsurfing board/boom without installing roof rack; what's best method?

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I want to pick up a 12' windsurfing board/boom (entire rig, but those 2 are 12' in length) but i only have a Mazda Protege and MINI Cooper, so i'll have to tie to the roof. What are my best options if I don't wanna install a permanent roof rack? Can I buy foam/inflateable racks somewhere locally (walmart, sports authority, etc etc) or can i just put the board on cardboard and use rope/bungees to secure through the windows?





  1. Those soft racks are fine for a 10lb surfboard, but your windsurfer and gear is going to weigh much more.  You need a real rack.  Once you get it set up, you can take the rack on and off easily.  I suggest Thule or Yakima.  You don't need any special accessories.  I usually tie the mast separately. Then tie the sail and boom down on top of the board.

  2. I just recently lost a $600 kayak due to not being properly tied down to roof racks, so doing even less than that would not be a good option for your windsurfer.  Break down get roof racks and be sure to use a 4 point tie down system, w hich we had not done, or you will be scraping your windsurfer off the road, not to mention if someone is driving behind you and the potential damage to their vehicle...yikes!  BTW, there are racks that can be taken off when not in use..try REI or Great Outdoor Provision Company.

  3. As Jean D says, a poorly secured board is asking for trouble. I've heard some horror stories about guys losing kit on the motorway. If you're only doing small trips at low speed you might get away with it.

    Careful if it rains - the soft racks generally need to go through the windows so it'll leak when wet. Over time, they're not good for your paint either, esp. if you've been to the beach and pick up a slight bit of sand between the rack and the roof.

    Thule do racks for both the mazda and the mini. I use them to carry my kit and they're easy to take off at the end of the weekend. I've got no probs with them and permanent isn't really what they're about. Use 'em when you need 'em.

    Added bonus of being able to stick your bikes on there and sometimes carry those items you can't get in the car.

    Carefull too with the sails that they don't get repeatedly crushed every time you tie them down.

  4. Well, you COULD get the racks your talking about, OR you can do the rope thing, OR you could just mail it to yourself...  JK!

    Try a sporting shop.  They may have something like that.  Sorry I can't be much help, but hey!

  5. If you are not VERY certain in your ability to tie knots and use rope properly (go with something strong, and not bungee cords) then this is a bad idea.  You risk the board and anyone driving behind you.  

    All of that being said, I think it's possible to do.

    You can find a number of ways to sufficiently pad your roof to protect both vehicle and board, but in the interest of safety (and given the length of the board,) I also recommended tieing a line from the board to a point underneath your front bumper, to prevent the board from rotating (and thus exposing it to more wind) as well as being one more line attaching board to vehicle.  I'd put the board on the roof tail first, and tie a line through the rear footstraps, and run that forward tieing it to a secure point centered beneath the front bumper.  

    Attaching the boom to all of that shouldn't be too difficult.  Just tie it all down as if you were going to drive at 100 mph with crosswinds, and then drive in the slow lane...keep it conservative.

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