
Wanted: Fishy Companion!?

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I'm a college student and I'm living in a dorm, so the only pet I'm allowed to have is a fish. I really want something that will be low maintenance, but I really want something to have as a friend. I know people say that fish bowls are inhumane, but I know lots of people with fish bowls and very happy fish. SO I actually have TWO questions.

One:: I would love a fish bowl fish because of limited space. I'm mostly interested in a Betta or a Guppy. What type of fish would be best for this environment?

Two:: Since I know you're going to say bowls are inhumane, can you recommend a small, less than 30 gallon tank, that would be good for 1 or 2 fish, and how to make care easiest and with the least amount of maintenance?




  1. i have 2 betas and both are in bowls and i have kept them in the 1 gallon jars(like pickles come in) and even in a candy jar and they did fine. they don't need pumps or heaters as long as you add water regularly and keep the room at a comfortable temp. a 10 gallon tank would be nice in a dorm room and you could keep several fish, angel fish are my favorites, but would need to have a heater and pump. Hope you find the perfect fish...

  2. beta aka fighting fish. they can go there whoel lifetime being in practically jars and they dont give a flying ****

  3. yeah they sell small rlly cheap tanks that are filter enabled for under 20 bucks just go with those

  4. actually, i would think bettas are the best to keep in your situation, they're really easy to take care of, and they're really strong in health wise. Whenever you change their tanks, you can change it all out without sucking up only 30% of it with a tube. They can survive that kind of changes, and just are good companions as well. They don't need a lot of space, and i think prefer to have tight corners. but a five gallon tank should be plenty enough room for one betta because they can only live by themselves, unless you get some small neon tetras, which would make your tank look even nicer

  5. You should buy a small acrylic tank, something around 3 gallons. You could put a beta in there, and all you have to do is throw it some pellets every once in a while plus change the water whenever it seems dirty. Do NOT buy a goldfish. They are messy, they grow very large, and putting them in a small tank can stunt their growth. Sometimes their organs will keep growing, but the outside of them will stop. Slow and painful death or your poor fishy.  

  6. you can get little square 2.5 gallons or even 5.5 gallons for like 10 to 12 dollars minus filter and plants, they also have those really BIG plastic bowls with the flat fronts that are like 3 gallons and $9... you could keep a betta or a small goldfish in one of those. with a betta or guppie they need WARM water thats in the mid 70s to very low 80s so if you cant get a heater or keep your room that warm it wont work.

  7. My betta fish is awesome! I always hold his food like 1cm above the water and he jumps and eats it. Once he even bit my finger (but it didn't hurt) and whenever I come in the room he gets all excited. I know a lot of people say fish are boring, but my betta is like the coolest fish ever.

    A 5 gallon tank is great  for betta fish and with some rocks and a couple of hideouts they're pretty content. You know when they're content by seeing when they create little bubbles on the waters surface so you're limited space issue is no issue at all. Make sure though you only get one fish in your tank because the betta will fight any other fish, and really he'll fight it to the death.

    Betta fish are simple fish. You really don't need a filter or heater or those rising bubbles (bettas hate bubbles or even currents for that matter) if you decide to get one.

    I named him George and have had him for 6 months :)

  8. I am sure if you had to live in stagnant poopy water you wouldn't be very  happy , anyway

    try marineland products [Eclipses]

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