
Wanted: Kansas Social Worker?

by Guest60527  |  earlier

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Doing a small e-mailed based interview report for my Social Work and Social Welfare course at my local community college. Am looking for an accredited social worker (preferably from Kansas) to answer the following:

Social Worker's Name and Credentials

Social Worker's Work Telephone Number

Location of Job Site

1. Why did you choose to become a social worker?

2. What is your educational background?

3. Do you have prior social service exp?

4. What services do you currently provide?

5. What (exactly) do you do on a day-to-day basis?

6. What are the pros and cons of working in this field?

7. How do current social and economic policies impact your daily work and your client's lives?

8. How do you feel about your work and work environment?

9. What types of clients are difficult for you to work with? why?

10. If possible, Tell me about the toughest case you ever worked on.

11. What is your work style? What do you do to seek balance in your life?

12. What do you do when you are faced with an ethical conflict? Have you experienced this in your work? What can you tell me about how you handled this?

13. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What would be your role and what services would you be providing.

If anyone could help me out, that would be AMAZING!




  1. 1 - to help others.  2- degree in soc work.  3 have volunteered before degree program.   5 - ex-addicts/alcoholics  6 ungratefulnes, deception.  lack of willpower. success stories make up for deficiencies. every cohort there is a 20% salvation rate

    7 the soc - econ policies have yet to catch up with the problems out there.  we adjust - adapt - adopt whatever we can to help out.  

    8 uesd to it.  no fancy office thing like u see in the movies.   its ok.

    9 there is no gender / age diff.  all will give problems as much as they can.  its motivation.  once motivated - they can speed up their change

    10 - 9times alcoholic - just refused to change and keep coming back.  did crime too.  very complicated.  in the end, he 'grew' out of it and now rather sober and have some medical problems

    11 - take one day at a time.  dont think too much or it gets depressing.  home, quiet, away fr the maddening crowd is sufficient to recharge

    12 -tough - but follow the rules and u wont go wrong.  the rules that keep u going.  dont get personal.  dont feel pity.  be stoic. not easy but we try

    13 - same - probably move east to another state and try something else.  havent plan that far ahead.

    thanks for allowing me to think.  cheeeeers

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