I am a 20-year-old college student studying in Florence for almost a year (I leave really soon, too!) and I am just looking for some basic "Dos" and "Don'ts" for packing. I am limited to two checked bags for at least 10 months and I am on an extremely tight budget, so shipping stuff to myself is not an option. I am going over there to study nearly-full-time but have 3-day weekends to explore. I want to blend in as much as I can (though I doubt I fully can) and I don't mind independent travel (not with other students) so I can interact more with locals/take millions of pictures!
Some tips that have helped in the past:
Style: Italians don't wear flip flops around town. It's tacky. Plan on wearing actual shoes. Also, when in doubt, wear darker colored shoes and clothes (no multi-bright-colored outfits).
Toiletries: Most stores have a few choices when it comes to shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. It's not like America where you see 75 types of shaving cream. Razors have one blade. Deodorant doesn't have antiperspirant. Toothpaste isn't usually minty; it's herbal. Bring stuff you're particular about.
Don't Bring:
-too many dress shoes. That's the thing most people regret bringing. One pair that fits almost every dressy situation is good.
-books/novels. You will be busy traveling, so don't bother loading your suitcase with books. You're a student, so bring what's required, but you won't want to read a novel after you finished studying your textbook.
Those types of tips are very helpful. If you have any more (the more the better!) I would love to hear them. Also, if you have tips beyond packing and more into traveling (even recommendations of where to go/where not to go) I would also love those, too. Thank you so much!