
Wanting another baby, husband passed away 2 years ago, can a single mother adopt?

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is it possible for a single mother to adopt? i really want another baby.




  1. yes. I am a single mom and if dont' find a man that I feel is right for us, I will adopt another baby or toddler in about 7 more years. I think Thiland is one of the current countries that adopt to single people.

  2. yes good luck

  3. Yes, if you can afford it, you should be able to.  I am sorry for your loss.  Glad you have so much love to give.

  4. yes there are many domestic and some international agencies that allow single mothers to adopt.  you will have to jump through all the hoops as other prospective adoptive parents, financial, emtional, etc...take the time now to educate youreself about every aspect of adoption.  learn state, national and local laws.  research many agencies and ask lots of questions.  hire an attorney that works for you and protects your interests.  because it won't just be your heart that breaks it will be the hearts of your children.  take this time to talk about and educate your children on what an adopted brother or sister means.  make sure they understand birthmother's deciding to parent, falling throughs, and that this will very much be their REAL brother or sister.  education and being as prepared as one can be is the best you can do.  good luck to whatever you choose to do.

  5. I had a neighbor that never married and she adopted a little boy as an infant.  He is now 18 and she is still single.  So I think it is possible.  Good luck in your adventure sorry to hear about your husband!

  6. You have a 14yo, a 10yo, a 6yo, a 2yo, and you want to adopt another kid?

    Yes its possible for a single mother to adopt, but don't you have your hands full now?

  7. yes you can you also can be its saver and the baby you adopt also may have a chance of living longer.

  8. Yes, it is possible if you can prove that you are financially and emotionally stable. Good luck.

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