
Wanting to adopt in the future?

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I've done some research, and i'm most interested in Chinese or African babies. But i'm a little disturbed with the qualifications they require. Most say you can not be on any form of medication treating bi-polar,depression and anxiety. I've got a mild case of all 3 but i've been treated for 9 years. It doesn't affect my daily life, it's just there!! I'd rather adopt then add more kids to this world. Anybody know of agencies that don't have such strict requirements like that?




  1. Please consider adopting a child from our country, we have close to one million children in foster care.  Recent Casa, studies show the average foster child is placed in 15 homes before he or she is aged out at 18 years of age. One of the fastest growing population foster children are premature infants. Before you decide to adopt a child from overseas, please check out my website. I have several links to other websites related to adoptions and foster care.  Furthermore, America's forgotten foster children come with wraparound services such as but not limited to occupational therapy, physical therapy counseling and learning specialist, and is usually covered with a state health care plan until 18 or 21 years of age. Please read my inspirational stories of children who were within the foster care system, and who've been adopted by nurses. I'm happy to hear, you want to save a childhood, however, we have close to one million childhoods in America that need to be saved.


    Princess warrior of America's forgotten children.  

  2. How about fostering a teen that is struggling with your same medical issues.  The agencies requirements are lax enough, why cheat your way around them. It you don't qualify for healthy kids, you don't qualify.  Adoption isn't about you its about the child, remember.

  3. I don't think this is an "agency" requirement, so much as a requirement from the countries that you want to adopt from. I know China has very strict rules about the health of potential parents, and anxiety and depression issues is a biggie.  So is being overweight. They want to make sure the children will be raised in the best possible enviroment.  Perhaps you should check out other countries. Lutheran Social Services would be a good place to start as far as international adoption.

  4. Some requirements come from individual agencies but many come from the program countries themselves so finding another agency will not change matters.

    Because you're not ready to adopt today, you're best off focusing on getting your home ready and setting funds aside at this point. Foreign countries can change their policies and requirements at any time and selecting a program country well in advance is not a useful exercise.

    When the time comes you will probably be able to find a program, foreign or domestic, that will allow parents with well managed mental illness to adopt. You will likely have to focus on finding a program that considers you a good candidate rather than choosing the country or program that most appeals to you.

    Focus on getting and staying healthy and be open to possibilities. Your physician's feedback and recommendation will be one of the primary considerations for programs that allow parents who have been diagnoses with a mental illness.  

  5. So sorry about that.  You don't qualify.  Move on.

    How about adopting through foster care?

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