
Wanting to become a volleyball/beach volleyball pro player...HELP?!

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So the olympics are hear and it is breath this has recently brought up in me a want to become an athlete..I always wanted to become a pro tennis player but it is far to late for me to become one...I'm 17 turning 18 in the end of Sept. Now after watching beach volleyball I feel this yearning to do just that. I never really played before but the volleyball coach of my high school did personally ask me to join his team after watching me practice my tennis serves..I had to turn him down for I also swim...and they have the same season...

So if someone could please help me...what do I do?

Do I find a school to learn?

What about afterwards...find a coach who believes in me?

Play in college?

Join tournaments...plz help!

I wouldnt mind playing indoor either...ty




  1. Well there is competitive volleyball all over the country.  So you will need to find out what is available in your area.  There are plenty of avenue open to you.  I originally played in town league that played at a local school and then in college.  After college the best arena of play is the USAV organization.  Here is a link to check out.

  2. Not sure where you live but I would see if the current players at your school will let you play with them when they play on the weekends at the beach or where ever.  that's how I learned.  Start playing with them, constantly.  Then join tourney's, etc.

    If you can play in college, all the better. You're definitely not too old to start and get to the pro-level.  

  3. Dahlhausse did not start playing until he was 18, and he's the best in the world (arguably) right now. But, basiucally, you need to get involved and start playing and practicing daily. I started playing at 12 and played/worked out for volleyball 4-6 hours daily from 15 to 22. I endeed up getting a college scholarship and going pro for indoor and beach in 1996. AT 34 you usually start to go dowhill. The peak is around 30 so you have plenty of time. I would say to play on your school team if possible, if not there are many "club" teams you can join in college and travel and play other local schools. You can get really good, because normally club has several levels and as you get better you can try out for the higher levels. You start at B2 and move up to B1, A2 and finally  A1.

        You can play in tournaments and get a coach, but you STILL need a team, so I would find a club team at your college (if you go) or look for local recreational city groups that play weekly.

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