
Wanting to go n work in majorca this year and need some advice?

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me and my boyfreind were in majorca last year and fell in love with it. we are heading out to work there for the summer this year. neither of us has ever done this. so any help from anyone would be great thanks x




  1. check out the work regs for spain here:

    If you have bar / restaurant / hotel skills get yourself over there now and take English and Spanish CV´s to all the bars / restaurants / hotels you can. Make sure you get a spanish movil telephone when youa rrive and put the number on the top of the CV´s

    Working for the tour companies the positions are filled from the home country the year before.

  2. There are no work regs, as part of European Union you are free to live and work there.

    What are you thinking of doing? Assuming it will be bar work or public relations stuff you will have no problems finding a job.

    My recommendation is to go out at Easter time, this is when the season starts. There is a high turnover of people doing this sort of work and you will find a job no problem in one of the major tourist resorts. Forget looking at internet sites, you will need to be there.

    Regarding accomodation, just book ahead by 2 weeks. You will almost certainly need to change your accomodation whilst you are there and I guess it will depend on where your job is. You will also find the cheaper stuff and people to share with when you are there.

    Warning though, wages are very poor and hours long, but if you going to have a good time, then I am sure you will.

  3. look and see if there are any websites that can give you accommodation. Ibiza has loads of notice boards and stuff, but thats more popular. Its good that there are two of you, you will have each others support and it wont be too daunting.

    Just go there early and around all the bars etc for available jobs. They will have loads available im sure. Dont take loads of stuff cos you will be bringing loads back and you will get charged for the extra luggage. If you want to know anything you could go to one of the resorts and get a hold of one of the reps there ask there advice.

    Look after yourselves and have a fabulous time!!!!

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