
Wanting to have another baby, My Obs plan has me a little overwhelmed!?

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I have Sacro-illiac Joint Dysfunction, which means i take pain meds daily and have for about a yr. So i went to the OB and he asks what type of birth control i am using and i said that i wanted another baby.. well i was laying on the table as he called me over weight and said i gained 15 lbs since i gave birth which has been 17 months.. Im not really able to do much exercicing because of my hip. (or si joint) So he says i need to get on birth control, have my sacro- illiac joint fused because all other treatments have failed. (phy therapy, injection helped about 2 weeks, mostly just pain meds constantly..) so i need to get that done so i wont be in extreme pain during preg then i need to lose 40 and then i would be okd to get pregnant, he also said i would be 215 when i gave birth to my next child and it would cause complications. I already think im fat and i know i need to get something done with my si joint but thats a big commitment when you dont have any family (my husband has to work) and i have a 17 month old it will take months to heal >>> RIGHT?




  1. that doctor sounds very unproffesional.  I really think you should get a second opinion.  I can't believe he called you fat when you were on the table, that's horrible!!  I wouldn't listen to him.  

  2. You need to get your priorities straight to begin with.  Loose the weight you need to loose to take the pressure off of your sacro illiac.  The talk to your pain specialist or whoever you go to for this problem and talk about your choices and at the same time talk to your OB doc about a good time to try again to have another baby.  If your health is not as good as it should be then you won't enjoy your pregnancy nor having another baby to take care of.  Get yourself taken care of first and then see about having another baby.  I know what's it's like to want another one but I didn't have any health problems when I got pregnant with either of mine (many years ago).  Now I have all sorts of health problems and some of it is in my back and I can't imagine carrying a baby even if I was at the age (I'm 60) of having babies I wouldn't want to carry one with all my health problems.  So please get yourself in as good as shape as you can first, then have another baby.

  3. Why the push to get pregnant again?  You have a baby at home, enjoy him or her and relax.  It sounds like you have a choice to make about getting the joint fused or stay on pain meds.  But obviously you can't be pregnant with a healthy baby and be on pain meds at the same time.

    Try to enjoy the little bundle of joy that you have and be the best Mommy you can be.  Take your time.  I hope it all works out.  

  4. Well, think about it....if you get pregnant you'll be confined to bed from pain or if you have the surgery you will be confined to the bed from pain. Just have the surgery then get pregnant.

  5. Even if what he said was medically right, he had no right to speak to you that way.

    No matter what your weight or healthy factors he should be more professional with his language.

    Get a new doctor.

    He sounds like a jerk.

    I wish you the best!



    Good luck on whenever you start TTC #2

  6. Don't get your SI joint fused!!!!! SI joints are not real joints, they dont have any motility at all, just a few mm when you are giving birth.

    Loose weight, I know it's not easy, but is a right price for another baby.

    90% of your SI joint problems are the weight. If you cannot exercise now don't worry, start a diet (I know is not so easy) and after loosing some pounds you should be able to start strenghtening your periarticular soft tissues that are going to help with the pain.


    1-Loose weight

    2-Strenght your periarticular ligaments, muscles, etc (In that way you are preparing your SIJ for the pregnancy)

    3-After giving birth loose weight again an keep training (can be done at home)

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