I have Sacro-illiac Joint Dysfunction, which means i take pain meds daily and have for about a yr. So i went to the OB and he asks what type of birth control i am using and i said that i wanted another baby.. well i was laying on the table as he called me over weight and said i gained 15 lbs since i gave birth which has been 17 months.. Im not really able to do much exercicing because of my hip. (or si joint) So he says i need to get on birth control, have my sacro- illiac joint fused because all other treatments have failed. (phy therapy, injection helped about 2 weeks, mostly just pain meds constantly..) so i need to get that done so i wont be in extreme pain during preg then i need to lose 40 and then i would be okd to get pregnant, he also said i would be 215 when i gave birth to my next child and it would cause complications. I already think im fat and i know i need to get something done with my si joint but thats a big commitment when you dont have any family (my husband has to work) and i have a 17 month old it will take months to heal >>> RIGHT?