
Wanting to hear from people who have 2 kids at least 5 years apart.?

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I have 2 kids, 7 years apart. We are running into issues with my other half jumping all over the youngest because of the actions of the oldest. An example, the oldest lies about everything that comes out of his mouth, he's 18. The youngest, at 10 1/2, is still in the "afraid of getting in trouble" and stalling before fessing up. My other half freaks out and goes off on her with the whole "I'm not going to do this again with another kid." he's not giving her a chance to grow up and make her own mistakes but assuming she'll do what he did and even he wasn't like that at her age! He was at least 13 before he started his BS. So, I want to know, is it typical for couples to have issues like this in dealing with the kids?




  1. yea thats totally normal. I have a little brother who is 5 years apart 4rom me. Im 15 and he is 9(almost 6 yr diff). My dad totally expects my lil bro to do the things that i do! Well @least the things he knows about.

  2. yes.

  3. My children are 10 years apart.  My daughter is 11 and my son will be two in September.  I find myself blaming my daughter for a lot of things.  I realize that I need to work on it.

  4. yes my mom had me and my sister 6 yrs apart

  5. I'm sorry, but it just sounds like hubby is being impatient. Can you just gently remind him that kid A did this, but kid B needs to learn her lessons in her own time too.

    Good luck

  6. I know all about this because me, my brother & my sister are all about 7 years apart!  My parents DEFINATELY had fights like this all the time!  Except it was the other way around.  My dad was the more easy going one.  LOL.  My mom stresses a lot more.  My brother was the rebelious one of the 3 of us.  I always did things the right way...sorta.  LOL.  And my sister is the baby and she's now 12 1/2 and is so babied that her attitude is at like a 16 year old teenagers!  When you have kids seperated this far apart it's not gonna end until they are all grown & out of the house.  I'm 25, have a 3 year old daughter & a baby boy on the way.  I've moved out, so I'm not having to deal with the sibling/parent issues on a daily basis.  My brother is 19 years old, and has FINALLY calmed down.  He does still live at home with my parents & sister & also his fiance & their brand new baby boy who's 1 week old.  He will be out of the house this weekend into his own place. My sister will be the only one left.  But even though we're all leaving the nest, we're still a very close family, and still have issues :)  But hey!  That's life, that's what kids are all about.  And when they are grown and gone their own ways, you'll miss it :)  My parents are missing it already beleive it or not!  But now they can enjoy their grandkids too :) I hope i helped!

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