
Wanting to know if you can trust this website? Plus I don't understand how to get started or where to go?

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Wanting to know if you can trust this website? Plus I don't understand how to get started or where to go?




  1. Hi There,

    Good Post!  I love everything about business, escpecially the marketing and advertising parts.  These things make or break a business.  I've found many ways to advertise my business that might help you.  If you have a website, try SEO and PPC (pay per click from Google Adwords).

    If you advertise your business offline, try handing out flyers, printing coupons, and yellowpage advertising).

    The best method I've found yet is to buy business cards and hand them out everwhere.  I buy them from a place online that gives the cards for free and only charges for shipping and handling.  I hand these out to everyone I meet, and I leave them on cars where ever I go (I also got a free business card holder that looks really impressive)!

    Take care and good luck with your business!

  2. If you are talking about Yahoo Answers, then you can trust it as much as you trust perfect strangers.  Be careful at how much info you give out and take advice with a grain of salt.  You can get some good advice though.  I'm sure that you're intelligent enough to notice the difference.  Just scroll through previous questions and you'll see the difference in quality answers.

    I hope that answers your questions.

  3. What you mean ? Are you talking about Yahoo ? Are you looking for some web site to start your own business ? Then talk to 'World market Systems' on their toll free number.

    Call TOLL FREE

    US/CAN: 1-888-230-7531 ext 75693

    AUS: 1800-209-248 ext 75693

    UK: 0808-234-1350 ext 75693

    Other: +1-602-343-2206 ext 75693

  4. What is the web site that your enquiring about?  If you let us know what the web site is, then we might be able to figure out and tell you how you would get started and where to go.....  But we really need more information.  Do you mind editing your question and put a detailed message into what your refering to?

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