
Wanting to learn more about aspergers?

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Wanting to learn more about aspergers?




  1. aspies. Flat corpus collosum and enhanced interal dialogue.

    Internal dialogue dominates cognitive style, excludes normative perceptions of social reality. Mirror neurons retasked to use as simulators rather than as person sympathizers. Often aspergers results from extreme neglect.

    Some aspies may hit puberty very early as a result of this.

    Aspies have premature brain development which precludes natural cognitive evolution and replaces it with a highly reflective cognitive style with potential ofr enhanced force of attention, but diminished social capacity and diminished social functioning.

    Sometimes called the geek syndrome, hans asperger also called his subjects, who were mostly children "tiny proffessors" as aspies have a propensity for self eduction in

    narrow feilds of interest.

    Some aspies probably do have the equivalent of college degrees as children, due to their ability to speed read and

    their heightened interest and thus capacity for focus.

  2. What would you like to know about it... there is a wide spectrum of information out there.

  3. Go to the following website.  You will find a book there called 'Autism: A guide to understanding and helping your child.  It is a very good source of information on Asperger's syndrome.

  4. There is a good article written about Asperger Disorder on the Autism Society of America website.

  5. Try     (They are a first rate organisation)

    Also National Autistic Society

    PS High Functioning is NOT the same as Aspergers. With proper support they can eventually attain almost as high but it is a separate condition.

  6. Contavt west midlands autism or search 'aspergers' on google or similar - Asperger's is effectively high functioning Autism

  7. if this involves a school-aged child be sure to research Wright's Law (something like that) to know your rights and how to best advocate for your loved one (if that's the case). If your question is based on needing info for a school assignment that's different but this website will still help. There is a magazine called Spectrum with articles about asperger's, notably a profile and long interview with a contestant on "Amercia's Next Top Model" reality show who shed light for the public by being open about it. you can find this stuff by googling since I don't know exact links. There are yahoo groups for parents. ask more and give details--if you are a parent there is a lot of help from others out there. f you are a parent go to meetings in negihboring towns as well as your own of SEPTA--parents will all help each other navigate and you can learn from experts who speak at their monthly meetings. you don't have to join to go and it is a nice group of people

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