
Wants a career in medical but afraid of needles

by  |  earlier

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I want to take on a job in medical field but i have a thing about needles i don't freak out when i have them i just don't like them. I went to a doctors for work exp and watching blood tests and the needle going into the skin. I had a blood test today and they had to move the syringe round to get the blood out. i don't know if i could do that to a patient.

I'm only 15 and i don't have a thing with blood etc its just the whole cutting and piercing skin thing. is this normal and lets say i get training would it pass?





  1. I'm afarid of needles too but I am alot better than I used to be.

    If it's just a bit afaid then you will get used to it quite quickly. If however you do have a big problem then I suggest some therapy. I'm being vague on purpose because their are many reasons why you don't like them. It may be that could be as simple as discussing it and someone taking their time to introduce you to them.

    If it's more, do try hypnotherapy or ask your Doc to suggest something.

    When I was younger, I didn't go into the medical proffession for the same reason as you, but I regret not being determined enough to overcome it. Don't give up, if you really want to be a nurse or doctor or similar, there's no reason why you can't do it.

    Good luck.

  2. I think a lot of people don't like the whole idea of needles including those working in hospitals etc.  I had to get a jab once and the nurse didn't like giving it at all and felt the need to apologise after it. Since you just find them unpleasant rather than being scared of them then you'll be fine.  In a medical career you'll be around needles a lot so you'll get used to them.  While your dislike of them might not completely pass you'll find it easier over time.

  3. zero needles in medical billing, try for this and other career options in the medical field  

  4. Yes, i have the same thing. I'm sure after you did it a couple of times you're fear of the needle piercing the skin would be less.

  5. can i get your name and stuff cos theres no way in h**l you're being my doctor

    but u can try hide it and you'll probs get used to it once you've done it a few times and realised it does no harm

  6. Theres other jobs you could consider in the medical area.

    one being a medical receptionist .

    You need to do a year course for it & most of the course will entail working in a hospital or doctors  

  7. I'm quite sure that there are many medical specialties which does not require needles and blood, so you will face these problems only temporary at university.

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