
War Pass out of Kentucky Derby!!! Your thoughts?

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If you havn't heard already, here is the link...

I can't believe it! Why War Pass? He doesn't deserve to NOT race in the Derby! He has worked so hard to get so far and not even run in America's biggest race.

My gosh, first my favorite filly is not running in the Oaks (Indian Blessing) and then my 3rd favorite colt not running in the Derby! Could it get any worse?

Your thoughts please..




  1. yes, Im very upset, we are going to the Derby this year and I was very excited about seeing War Pass run....

  2. I sucks that he cannot race against Big Brown, but now that War Pass is hurt, this will no doubt give Big Brown the victory in the Derby.

    Go to the ATM machine, empty your bank account and bet it all on Big Brown to win !

  3. pyro is my pick to win the derby with war pass 2nd! too bad he got hurt...

  4. I agree with Nick. It was just not meant to be. God has a plan for each horse. Sometimes things are bad but turn good.

    To me I think War Pass would make an excellent Dirt Miler. He isn't bred to be distant runner and hasn't shown that he can make long distances (remember Pyro in the Champagne and Juvenile).

    I am in no way saying that War Pass is a bad horse but I believe that if they want the horse to become the best he can be they should point toward a Dirt Mile carrer.


  5. I'm a big fan of War Pass also and I'm really disappointed. I think he would of done alot better than most people think.

  6. well shoot this changes my whole betting order. That sucks io was really rooting for him and Pyro. guess it's Pyro only now.

  7. It is this type of change in the Kentucky Derby entries that ads to the mystique of The Run For The Roses.  All the planets must line up in favor of the winner.  Preparing a 3YO to run One and One Quarter Mile on the first Saturday in May is both art and science.  

    Some invest a fortune in home breds to win The Derby like the late Paul Mellon with Sea Hero.  Others like the Karen and Mickey Taylor purchase a Seattle Slew bargain at auction .  The variables leading to the winners' circle are extensive.  

    This year offers the potential of a track record setting slugfest. 2008 Kentucky Derby will showcase superb breeding and superior training.  California style speed will challenge East Coast tactical closers.  Seldom does a wide open field present itself for The Derby.  A great matchup promises a phenomenal contest.

  8. After War Pass finished last in the Tampa Bay Derby it was clear that this was not going to be his year despite the fact that he looked like a mortal lock earlier this year.

    The horse to beat is going to be Big Brown.  His Floriday Derby triumph was amazingly similar to Barbaro's with his frantic rush to the lead from the outside post.

    People will question his seasoning, but the plain fact is, Big Brown looks like a monster.

  9. Well, it is a bit more confusing now. We are presented with some questions:

    Will some horses perform better without War Pass, or worse?

    Will Big Brown, instead of stalking 3rd or 4th, move up to just off the pace?

    Or does it even make that much of a difference?

    IMO, he doesn't have the stamina to run in the Derby, and I'd be very disturbed to see him run in another distance race (though he almost certainly will). I'd say he's a miler and that's where he should be aiming (BC Mile - does this get graded this year or the next, BTW?).

    Edit: Also, get off this Pyro thing, it's not even on the topic. He's a cruddy horse with a cruddy pedigree that peaked last October.

  10. I was shocked when I first found out he is not running in the Derby. Yeah, I agree with you about he has worked so hard and not even running in America's biggest race. Depressing, isn't it? He was my #2 picks in the Derby. I am a big War Pass fan ever since he won the Champagne Stakes. My current favorites though are Tomcito, Big Brown, and Pyro.

  11. Oh my goodness,I had not read that story and I am disappointed.It is a shame,and I hope and pray that he will be ok to race another time.

  12. He hurt his leg, Mel.  He would have run in the Derby, but they can't run him with an injury.  If they ran him in the Derby they would make the injury worse and he may never race again.  It's better for him this way.  He'll be back in the fall to try for the Classic.  And maybe it's better because it will give him some time off and he'll be able to mature both mentally and physically.  He might come back better in the fall than he is now.  And we'll probably see him continue into his 4 year old year since he's missing most of his 3 year old year.  You have to do what's best for the horse.  He got a minor fracture... you have to let him heal.  I know it's not really fair and you're disappointed, but these things happen in horse racing.  Good horses get hurt sometimes.  It's better that he takes the time off and heals rather than getting severely injured in a race and ends up like Barbaro.


    I didn't say you were stupid.  And I said that I understand that you're disappointed.  I'm just saying that these things happen in horse racing.  Just be happy that War Pass's injury wasn't more severe.  Don't overreact.  You're not stupid, you're a very smart girl.  I'm sorry if I offended you at all... I didn't mean to.

    It's ok, I understand :o)

    Think of all the good things you have to look forward to... Big Brown and your other favorites are still in the Derby, Curlin is still racing, Indian Blessing is going to come back later in the year, War Pass will be back in the fall.  And it's the spring time and school is going to be out soon!! :o)

  13. Now the LONE "F"  (Frontrunner) is


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