
War With Iran/Syria?

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How is this even feasible at such a point in time, or even 5-10 years in the future without a draft? Where are the ground troops going to come from when they're all currently tied down in Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, or the Balkans?

It seems like if Iraq and Afghanistan weren't such problems then we'd already be involved with one of these other countries. We'd like to be involved in a conflict with one of these other nations in other words, but we aren't able to go that route at the present time. Maybe we're just laying the groundwork.

What do you guys think is the likelihood of such a thing happening - going into Iran or Syria perhaps with ground forces, or launching some massive attack from the air? Of course none of us can predict the future, but do you think we're already headed down this path so that war in the future is very likely? Are things that bleak?




  1. Yeah! This is exactly what USA needs! Like another hole in ones head!? No one bothering to wander if this will even could be possible, from the financial point of views? For as the things stands. Maybe when and after the USA will be so devastated, internally, once the present warmonger will step aside, leaving USA with his coffers totally empty!?

  2. Are they crazy....................!

  3. If Republicans are back to the white house yes the war is imminent and it is all about business other wise how big American enterprises ;who supported Bush and will support the Republican candidate; would survive

  4. Muslim extremists are wide spread. The "front line" doesn't exist. The war could go anywhere. Wherever it seems they are hiding. Hatred towards the US grows with each new battleground. New terrorists join the cause, the battle gets bigger. Iran and Syria are likely future battlegrounds. They are now fighting with rocks and improvised bombs without a chain of command or organized military. That much hatred wont go away. They just hide and regroup somewhere else. Imagine the movie "Red Dawn" with the US as the invaders.

  5. Syria and Iran can certainly help avert such an issue by revealing and arresting  special teams in their countries.

  6. War with Iran is a certainty.  The only question is will it happen before or after Iran drops a nuke on Israel?

  7. If there is a war with them it would be close to a World War and at that point, the draft would be reinstated whether people like it or not.

  8. The chances of the U.S. going to war with yet another country are very slim. The majority of Americans are already opposed to the current wars, and entering another war would lead to massive disatisfaction among politicians and common Americans. In addition to this, American armed forces would probably advise against any millitary strikes, especialy in Syria and Iran. In Iraq, a few supporters of a highly unpopular regime have managed to tie up the most advanced army in the world, and keep the country in a state of chaos. The leaders of Syria and Iran, unlike Sadam, are highly popular with their people, and any U.S. forces attempting to invade would probably be decimated. Even if America did decide to enter another war, it would mean instigated a draft. A draft would probably lead to riots of perportions that would shadow the Vietnam protests. Chances are, with all of these factors in play, America would quickly withdraw from any new war it enters.

    Fortunately, chances are that America won't enter another war for at least a decade.

  9. Bush wanted war with Syria, Iraq & Iran right after he took office. (I got a letter from him asking for my support to do it.) I heard the oil companies want to build a pipeline over there & need to level things out.  Your representatives are aware of the draft issue. My 60s generation protested in the streets to get rid of that horrible slavish draft. The government had the power to force people into the military. Now its this generation's turn to protest. Your & your friends must let your congressmen & senators know in no uncertain terms that you ain't gonna go. Remember that generation does not use internet as much as youngers do. They are looking for people to protest in the streets with signs like they used to. They are saying, "well they're not in the streets yet." So thats probably what we gotta do to end the Iraq War. (we got into the streets in a feverish pitch protesting the Vietnam War; it hasn't reached that feverish pitch with the Iraq War yet. And business is making Big Money on this war. That's how Washington goes.)

  10. we will probably hit north korea first. they the ones stirring stuff up. we got a glut of troops in the us here doing nothing but practicing being soldiers.     cjhs

  11. Jimmy Carter has raised anger in Israel and the U.S. after hugging a Hamas official in the West Bank earlier this week and laying a wreath at the tomb of late Palestinian terrorist leader Yasser Arafat. Even fellow Democrats Howard Berman (California) and Gary Ackerman (New York), who serve on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, urged Carter not to meet in Syria with top Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal.

  12. Yeah why not? The war in Iraq is going so well.

  13. Both of those countries are bad! we should destroy them because there major threat to us.
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