
War for Oil, can you prove it?

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I know the liberal's mantra is "No War for Oil", but where''s the evidence? What, Cheney's business ties with Haliburton? The Iraq war is illegal? How? I would love to hear some substantial evidence to all these claims. I mean, if they're true you can provide evidence right?




  1. Can you prove that it was about anything other than oil?

  2. Well this is the most stupid question out. As soon as the US invaded iraq the petroleum industry stopped rising steadily but quickly. about 20 refugee iraqi families are sent over the US everyweek when they come to the US they are forced to sign a statement that removes all their rights to oil in iraq.

    Source: I am an Australian of iraqi descent, have contact with Iraqi refugees and seen the actual contracts.

  3. with the prices of gasoline now, h**l yeah we should go and pillage for the black tar.


    That is a copy of the Iraqi Oil Law, AKA Iraqi Profit Sharing Agreements from the Kurdish governments website. What this does is allow oil corporations ownership of the oil in Iraq rather then letting it be state owned like other members of OPEC. It is currently stalled in Iraqi Parliament because it is detriemental to Iraq. That would be my guess of one of the major reasons why we are still there. Another would be the SOFA, I'll let you look that one up.

    Passing this law is an Iraqi Withdrawl Benchmark. So basically we are holding Iraq hostage with US troops until they hand over control of their oil to international corporations. Sounds like theft to me.

    As far as Bush helping out his friends secure oil in Iraq:

    Did you need more proof?  By the way I am not liberal, I am a conservative that calls a spade a spade. The war was about three things. The acronymn OIL, Oil, Israel, and Logistics.

    Edited to add:

    The war is illegal because of two things. It based on lies and Congress did not declare war as the constitution states is the only way to go to war. Here is a link to show you some of the lies that started this.,2933,1151...

  5. No proof is required in their minds.  I'm not even sure most of those who parrot these common baseless allegations even know what they are saying.  Most likely they're just regurgitating some slogan they read off a bumper-sticker.

  6. from here:

    "Now, unnoticed by most amid the furore over civil war in Iraq and the hanging of Saddam Hussein, the new oil law has quietly been going through several drafts, and is now on the point of being presented to the cabinet and then the parliament in Baghdad. Its provisions are a radical departure from the norm for developing countries: under a system known as "production-sharing agreements", or PSAs, oil majors such as BP and Shell in Britain, and Exxon and Chevron in the US, would be able to sign deals of up to 30 years to extract Iraq's oil."

        MCCLELLAN: Certainly you can’t discount the large oil reserves inside Iraq and how much that plays into our national security interests and I don’t think you can discount how much that plays into the vice president’s thinking.

        BROWN: Or his portfolio for that matter.

        MCCLELLAN: Or his portfolio for that matter, absolutely with that being a former chief executive officer for Halliburton and that certainly played heavily into his thinking more so I think than the idea of transforming the Middle East into a beacon of democracy.

  7. Well, i can't provide evidence right now, but i can suggest where to look if evidence ever came up.

    Keep an eye on Iraq's autonomous zone which is near the border with Kurdistan - there's something there people like to call a "Mega Oil-Field" with several billion barrels worth of oil in it.

    Apparently, the people living on those lands aren't particularly happy about the western corporate interest in the area, and so the MSM is reporting negatively on their actions in the area, thus making the possibility of hostile actions on the behalf of western power a foreseeable event.

    Anywho - international law on the issue of what makes a "just war" means that the nation's security must be compromised before an armed assault is made upon a different country.

    This goes beyond your paltry constitution, boy.

    edit: let's put it like this - we have to catch them red-handed in the act of doing it.

  8. Exxon's profits for the third quarter were 189 billion, and yet they can't account for where they got all the extra oil and jacked up prices from?

  9. Petrol = World Power

    The Iraq war was illegal. No country had the right to go in and violate Iraq.

    You can't find evidence from the people far away from the conflict especially here in America. No one actually knows whats happening out there. Only the media explains things (who knows if its the truth, the military controls what's being released).

    Only the ones involved know what's really happening.

    Politics is a very dirty area to be in.

  10. There must be something they want , If Saddam had been doing those Crimes In London or Leeds - they wouldn't have helped out no way  

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