
War in Georgia has completed. What do you think about its roots, reasons and results?

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Would you agree to help Georgian women and kids suffered? What about Osetinian war victims?




  1. It was a surgical strike against Georgia's energy infrastructure.  Lets not portray the Russian owner as anything less than the one who destroyed 15 years of Russian industrial progress in less than 15 days.  

  2. what is there to think? we should be happy that russians are withdrawing their forces from Georgia.  The president of Georgia now learned lesson how to deal with other world.  The America done a major role in solving problems by issuing warnings.  The Georgia signed agreement with Russia. There may be several reasons and it is not known to the ordinary people like us and only can have from the medias.  The result is loss to Georgia more and Russia too.

  3. The problem is what you are implying, that yes Georgians might have done some bad things but now they are absolved, as S.O. have taken their revenge. So one must chose between the two.

    We still don't know of the level crimes or atrocities. Human Rights groups are insistent that both sides are responsible.

    The fact is it was Georgia backed by US that attacked S.O. killing civilians, Russian were prepared and had warned Georgia against such action. If Russia had not intervened they would've massacred the local population. Georgian snipers were shooting people going to hospital, Georgians even attacked that hospital. There is virtually nothing in S.O.

    No doubt S.O. have in turn taken revenge. Georgian living there fled but they were looting what they left behind. Even Russians are responsible, as civilians were caught in the middle, and like Georgia there are allegations against Russia as well. We simply don't have a clear picture yet.

    The fact remains that it was Georgia that provoked Russia. Of course we should help Georgia and S.O., however it looks like Russia is taking care of S.O.

    The fundamental root is US influence over Russia. US is trying to increase its influence even if it means running over Russia. US policy is deliberate enclavement of Russia. US wants to increase its influence any means necessary and Russia now have shown they will protect their interests any means necessary.

    In the heart lies control over 'Caspian OIL'. US wants control over Caspian resources and also in return weaken Russia. Russia wants to keep its influence and interest. Countries of Eurasia have common treaties alarming US. So Georgia is important b/c then Europe and US can bypass Russia and bring a pipeline through Georgia. Giving them control over OIL. Russia wants to keep its influence as most of OIL comes from Russia, and Russia is signing deals with other regional countries.

    US is trying to put a defense shield in Europe, which is alarming for Russia. Then US is pushing for Ukraine and Georgian NATO membership ans hence surrounding Russia. Which Russia is warning against.

    Ultimately US wants to be sole power and therefore wants to neutralize Russia. Only if Russia is neutralized China can be neutralized. Russia might not have much influence outside but is willing to do anything to protect its interests. So the war between Georgia and Russia was a proxy war.

    Results are clear. Russia has given the clearest hint possible that it will do anything to protect its interests. Then it has become clear US has no influence over Russia or Europe. The fear is this frictions might escalate, resulting in second cold war. Russia among many countries don't want US as the only superpower. So it depends on how things progress.

    Russia has strengthened its positioned, weakened US. Given a clear signal to other countries. Divisions between Europe and US are clear on this issue, as Italian foreign minister saying, there will be no anti-Moscow coalition. Europeans know that they rely on Russia for energy, which doesn't help US goal. It is also clear to protect its interests Russia will not hesitate even attacking US vassals.

    Long term repercussions have not clear yet. It will depend more on Europe as to what happens next. US defense shield in Poland will be a clear provocation, resulting in some Russian response. Which can become ugly. It is clear US does not have open support in that region and US certainly needs Russian backing against Iran.

    Just last year in Munich Putin had warned against US hyperpower;

    "What is a unipolar world? It refers to one type of situation, one centre of authority, one centre of force, one centre of decision-making. It is world in which there is one master, one sovereign. This is pernicious ... unacceptable ... impossible."

    "By declaring the Caucasus, a region that is thousands of miles from the American continent, a sphere of its 'national interest,' the United States made a serious blunder."

    ~ (Mikhail Gorbachev), Washington Post, 12/08/08

  4. Um...the war in Georgia is FAR from over. Where have you been? Just a couple of hours ago, Russian forces have moved towards the Georgian capital and have stopped less than 20 miles away. The Russians have also destroyed the radio and television transmitters in Georgia and replaced them with their own, so that Georgians can only watch certain channels from Moscow, and not their own. The troops are still there, they may seem like it's over, but it's far from over. This is just beginning. Peace!

  5. witwwats, any arguments to your post? Or you just want the author to shut up because you don't want to hear this?

    Everything you are shown is false. And more or less clever politician will never tell the truth in a situation like in Georgia. Russian forces were only peacemakers. Saakashvili is an agressor. US is supporting him. Any more questions? Ask anyone in ossetia who started this war and you'll hear the answer. Mass Media is now nothing more than a fog covering the truth.

  6. As far as I know as of today Russia will pull out of Georgia, but stay in SO and the other territory Albhzark or something. Which they should and it should become part of Russia. They are Russian people so why not.

    bushie is just angry cause now his pockets become less lined with black gold.  

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