
War ln Georgia?........

by  |  earlier

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Do you think the Russians had enough or are they still going to bombard everything?




  1. They will go on if the world don't stop them....  They are in a hurry to bomb as many cities as they can and take as many teritories as they can  before the world stops them.....

    For more than five years russia were tring to drew into war georgia with many provoations  but georgia managed to be neitral.... unfortunately this was the last step.....

    Georgia tried to enter NATO to gain more security from russia  (they did everything they had the third largest army in iraq from this small country).... but some members of NATO germany, france and few others refused and delayed the processs... now russia knows that this was the last chance as georgia will get MAP in december....

    This was forecasted by georgian authorities when MAP was delayed.... unfortunetly forcasts became reality.... GEORGIA WAS DREW INTO CONFLICT WITH RUSSIA AND NOT OSSETIANS.....


  2. I hope Atlanta's ok. I'm going there next month.

  3. They will go on don't even doubt about it. They won't calm down until they destroy everything. Maybe people haven't heard about Chechnya.

    But I still hope thay will go empty handed.

  4. the russians will no doubt try to destroy the republic of georgia

    thats what they do

  5. Russia hails hero to the artillery piece.  The bombardment will not stop.

  6. the Georgian army just recently pulled out of south ossetia, i guess they couldn't handle the russians.  

  7. dunno

  8. I hope thats not enouth, i hope georgian will pay for agression.

    They declare war to peacefull osetian people and now there is genocide of osettian people.

    Georgian soldier kill even children, they are bombing osettian houses, only russians can protect us!

    Saakashvilly must be judged and Georgian pay for these murdres

    I hope russians help us to be free

  9. georgians are russian.

  10. russia is going to decimate georgia to ensure that they won't be attacking again any time soon - same strategy the US used when we decimated retreating iraqi forces in the gulf war

  11. first of all, Georgia's not Russia. second of all, i don't think bombing georgian civilians is a good way to protect Ossetian people. Georgians offer South Ossetia the widest autonomy possible. they offer them shelter, help, medical support and what's more important they want PEACE. there was even a moratorium to let the ossetian people leave the conflict zone and go either to russia or to georgia. georgians are not going to sentence the separatists if they give up fighting. and one more thing: don't trust any source that says georgians kill civilians, especially children. ask any abkhazian or anyone who has been though the was in abkhazia who was killing civilians! honestly people, think twice before accusing georgian of those horrible things. they are small nation who has to face ambitious northern giant. ossetian people have lived with georgians peacefully for centuries but russia is very skilled in causing serious conflicts in caucasus.

    today it's georgia, tomorrow it can be any other country...we have to cherish small nations with cultural and histlrical heritage as rich as georgians'.  

  12. Remember "Shock and Awe" that the US used against Iraq?. Well, the Russians are using the same tactic.

  13. Remember shock and haw ?  

  14. Strange some this "world" when Georgia kills over 1500 peace populations he keeps quiet...

    I'm read entry.. Nothing other and it is impossible expect.The most interesting in comments..

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