
War veterans who turn to crime?

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How do military people here feel about war veterans who come home and engage in criminal activity, such as murder, rape, assault, wife beating, child abuse, etc. Do you have sympathy for them because they might be committing such acts due to trauma from the war? What if they fought honorably during the war, and became bad during civilian life? Does their service to country cancel out the crimes they committed?




  1. I feel no sympathy for anyone who does that c**p war veteran or not.  

    Having served in a combat just means that you've seen the most primal side of mankind.  It does effect you, but committing crimes like you mentioned isn't the mark of a man it's the mark of a criminal plan and simple.    

  2. To answer t simply; no they should not be excused of anything they do because they weer in service or served in war and most would be using it as an excuse and not from factual basis; if that was true why wasn't their massive crime in the late 1940's when the World War Two veterans returned, or after Korea or Vietnam?  Some people are using the war as an excuse and that is it simply put.  You ran service records on many and they would have seen little or na action; like the people stationed in Kuwait claiming PTSD because they were scared that they might have something happen.

  3. No it does not cancel out anything, most who have fallen to this level have slipped through the cracks at the VA and are not getting the Help that IS there and available. We need to find these VETs and help them understand their thoughts, feelings before they harm innocent people.


  4. a lot of them were doing the same things overseas.

  5. Approximately 40 years for the current Presumptive Republician Candidate...and still a vengence overtone today.

    I would think for those Veterans who has survived any War, who are not drug induced, terminally ill, PTSD patients, or ridden with other ailments who can function properly would want to make better and assist in every way each and every fellow veteran.  But, have they, uh no, not all. Our Veterans are suffering - still!

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