
War with Russia -a good idea ? How do you avoid nukes ?

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The Shield ? Great idea -

Although that shield has prompted a lot of the responses Russia have given - Lets all rely on that

If it works as it should it will stop 90 % of the intercontinental missiles on the eastern side of Russia -

What about the western side of Russia (the Pacific) what about the Northern side of Russia (the arctic )

And what about the 10 % on the eastern side that get through ?

What about the nuclear subs ?

If you take the time to look it up the US has enough fire power to destroy the earth 27 times over - Not Russia not China - the earth

Meanwhile the poor Russians can only destroy it 10 times over - again the entire earth

What if the incredible American war machine could stop 100% of all of Russia's missiles ?

The nuclear explosions in Russia - would destroy them in seconds - War over right ?

You on the other side of the globe will not be safe at all - The Arctic really will melt right away - the radiation really will hit the US and all parts of the globe killing billions

And the reaction of other nations - who have nukes ?

Israel will likely attack Iran - Which is a suicide mission for the Israeli's because they too will end up breathing in the radiation only a few miles away

India and Pakistan ? China ? England and France ? The Europeans who are right beside Russia ?

Would all these nuclear nations just sit on their hands and hope they won't be next or will they fire first and right away just in case ?

Anyone (other than the US ) fires off one nuke against anyone - (other than the US ) Do you think your American government is going to sit on it's hands and hope for the best or shoot first and ask questions later ? What would you do ?

How can the use of nukes be avoided should there be a direct confrontation with Russia ?




  1. We would win but the war would likley be conventional the Russians know they nuke us we nuke them so they would probly keep nukes out of it we would wins hands down even if it broke out today we have over 400000 troops all across Europe we could beat them at any time....however unlike what the media makes us out to be were not warmongers and will only do it if they attack us first......The media overestmates the Russians and under estmates America...

  2. A war betwine America & Russia will not happen.

    If it does, it'll be world war 3.

    There isn't really a need for ground troops now.

    Nuclear warfare is taking a new horrible level.

    And you think everyone else would sit there and let American nuke Russia?

  3. During the 50 years of the Cold War, both sides were smart enough to understand a war between US and Russia won't be conventional but nuclear, and both sides will be wiped out, and mankind will be extinct. So they both kept cool and just played little wars by proxy, in some poor countries of the third world.

    Sadly today, people are being dumbed down into believing the US will win any war, including a nuclear war against Russia, China, whoever... You know it takes only one nuke to wipe out a city like NY and have 10 million dead in a second. These countries have thousands of nukes, and yet the Americans believe none of these nukes will reach America. How can you fall for this bullsh!t ?

  4. Trust me we will not have a Nuclear War with Russia because if they nuke us we will just nuke them back and both of us will be wiped out. If we do go to war it will be conventional. we are both smart countries and we wouldn't risk our civilizations. Thats why nothing happend during the Cold War.  

  5. how do we know our leaders want to defend us. they could very well institute their continuity of government to their likeing after America is reduced to anarchy. Afterall, they killed 2800 of us on 9/11

  6. USA already messes enough with my life!

    I love it how USA agonizingly tries to find a way to take Russia out of the game and fails.Everybody who is against Russia is for a monopoly over the world!Nobody should hold a monopoly over the world, it's not a matter of USA vs Russia but a matter of USA vs world independence.

  7. Both Presidents can secretly agree not to use them on the other. I say secretly because openly doing so would defeat the purpose of having them in the first place.

  8. Horrifically bad idea.

    Firstly, Georgia started this. They have also been waging a campaign of ethnic cleansing.

    Second, US forces are already too over-extended.  

  9. I think we should just tear off their heads and **** down their throats

  10. What if what if what if? I don't want to find out. There is really nothing to prove here.Going to war with a nuclear capable country is a dumb idea.It will just result in mass destruction and massive human loss on both sides.

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