
War with iran?

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iran constantly supports global terrorism... how long is it till we attack them?




  1. look america isnt getting beat in Iraq or Afganastan at all. Look you can not win a war if the media isnt on your side an home. look lets say we lose 5 soldiers a day every day and the media puts those 5 guys on the news for 10 hours straight, now it looks like we lost 5000 men in one day. we have more people murdered everyday than people being killed in Iraq, are we at war within out own country? NO. So if the media wouldnt just post those few dead soldiers on the news for 10 hours a day and talk about something else then the public wouldnt be concerened with it like they are now. Also if america could go into Iraq and wreck shop and fight a convencinal war then we would win in a day. The terrorist are doing some p***y hit and run c**p hoping that it will turn into another vietnam and the american people will just get so pissed off that we will leave, even though we arent losing that many men. Its simple really, and America doesnt even need to sent on man into iran, we could just shot missles at them from planes and kick their butts. so yes america will beat iran, but the beauty of the whole thing is we dont have to, becaue israel will do it for us and they dont take prisoners.

  2. We won't attack them because we won't win.

  3. We're not going to attack Iran.

  4. Has George got the right to decide who to attack. I thought it was up to the UN   .Israel would not have the guts to attack Iran without the full support of the US

  5. Never I hope.

    The west can't beat Iraq and Afghanistan so why add another to the countries where troops will die for nothing

  6. any day

  7. Well the way I see it in all the wars we've had since WWII USA is the constant participant ('cold war', Korea,Vietnam,Somalia,Afghanistan,Iraq etc etc) , it is still manipulating south america and setting up puppet regimes there, it has the largest number of declared nuclear warheads after russia, it is the ONLY country in the world to have actually used a nuclear weapon in a war, that too on civilians, and that too against a country that was about to surrender.

    It has financed many terrorist organisations in the past including Osama bin Laden during the 80s, helped Saddam Hussein to power, brought Pinochet to power and supported him despite him being the most ruthless dictator responsible for multiple mass massacres in Chile. While bringing dictators to power, it has tried to oust democratically elected presidents (Chavez) assassinate popular leaders ( Castro) and refused to recognise the outcome of democratic elections ( isolating Palestine of any aid because the people themselves elected Hamas).

    It maintains a prison outside American soil so that it can conduct systematic torture without getting into trouble with laws, against people denied trial and imprisoned without charge, who are released after 3 or 4 years without charges. It has discredited any and all human rights organisations such as Amnesty International as providing incorrect information.

    USA is also one of the largest exporters of weaponry, a country where you can buy guns at your local store. It has unquestioningly aided Isarel which is the single country to violate the largest number of UN resolutions. On every act of human rights violations by Israel USA has been the only country to use it veto powers in the Security Council to overturn the 'wrong' decisions and stances of the remaining 185 countries. Not to be outdone by its ally Israel, it has violated the Geneva Convention on multiple counts during these current wars.

    Recently it aided Ethopia to bomb Somalia when after decades there was finally a *people's* governement forming to provide law and order on the streets.With the UIC and the temporary peace bombed out of existence there is now a return to lawlessness and violence in Somalia. Oh yeah, and more Iraqis have died in this war than did during Saddam Hussein's regime.

    The country with the largest number of military bases on soil not belonging to it is the US of A.  It looked on as Israel raped the democratic nation of Lebanon a couple of years back stressing on the importance of 'necessary to kill terrorists' while UN refugee camps were being bombed to oblivion.

    You are merely George Orwell's prediction, a short sighted member of the mass tamed to believe everything the government tells you through its channels such as CNN. You are no different from the 'innocent' German in 1936 duped by Hitler into a war seeing it as a glorious redemption againt the world for the terrorism and unjustness imposed on its country because everyone was 'jealous' of it.

    So who is the fukcing terrorist?

  8. The United States would not directly attack Iran, but assisting Israel in defending her people that is another story. I believe that the US would assist Israel in that. As far as it being "a disgrace" I believe the issue with Iran has went on long enough. It is obvious that Iran is NOT going to give up their Nuclear ambition, and with the threats already made by Iran against Israel, I say More power to Israel, because they are showing that they are not cowards like the rest of the world

  9. WOW Firefly.......Someone forgot their meds huh......Israel is right The US would most certainly assist her ally Israel, and Israel DID NOT OCCUPY Palestine.....That land was given in covenant thru God to Abraham, Issac and Jacob! In other words....The JEWISH people. The Palestinians have never been an autonomous society, and before you go off of the "Their name was on the map" argument, read the history of how that area was named....Or in case you are too brainwashed I'll help you........The fact of history is that Israel lived as a sovereign nation in that land until the Roman army, led by Hadrian in 130 A.D attacked Jerusalem. The Emperor Hadrian hated the Jews so much for their Monotheistic theology and their refusal to bow to Rome that he removed the name Judea and replaced it with the name of Syria Palaestina, which were the ancient enemies of Israel, the Philistines. His attempt at renaming Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina failed, but his efforts to steal the Jewish claim to the land of Israel were successful. In spite of Hadrian's use of the term "Palaestina", the Palestinians have NEVER EXISTED as an autonomous society, and the land of Israel NEVER belonged to them. People who believe that the land of Israel was stolen and occupied by the Jewish people are nothing more than Anti-Semitic, and uneducated buffoons....So if the shoe fits......Wear it

    God Bless Israel

  10. I think that we---the U.S.---should hit them with a couple of hydrogen bombs like we did to Japan in WWII and take control of the oil and get the world back on track.  The rest of the world---so to speak---already come crying to us and use the U.S. like pawns on a chess board anyway!!!

  11. What should we do with people from the U.S. who sell weapons and munitions to Iran, if as you say it "constantly supports global terrorism"?

    Should those people be locked up as agents of the enemy? Should they be subjected to "vigorous interrogation"?
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