
Warhamer 40k army what is the best army to buy?

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what is the best army to buy in warhammer 40k i want something that is realy good at killing other people and a good defence




  1. Space Marines are great for beginners.  They're strong and have many weapon options.  Terminators are really good.

    Necron are ok, but not the best.

    Tyranids aren't good unless you want to buy tons of them and paint millions.  plus they aren't good for long distance attacks.

    Orks are awesome as far as looks go, and creative weapons, but fighting they just aren't the strongest.

    those are the four armies I have and when competing I always use my SpaceMarines.  (my other armies are just for shows cause of the spectacular painting)

    The only other army I can recomend would be Eldar, but I don't really have any experience with them, just been beaten by them.

    Space Marines are the best because you can buy starter sets that have space marines and a few pieces from another army plus you'll get a rule book and dice, and all the templates and stuff.  So if you wanted to play with a friend and they didn't have an army you could then have a small battle.  (Battle For Macrag is a good starter)  (I don't know if your new to this or not)


  2. If you're new to the hobby: space marines

    The way your question is worded though: Imperial Guard are the best army for long-range killing and sitting there and being defensive.

  3. I was always partial to Chaos Space Marines

  4. There is no "best" army. Period. People can only tell you what they "like" (which means what the WIN with...) For every light, there is a dark. For every up there is a down. The whole yin/yang concept. You get the picture.  It's what works for you. The "perfect" army is what you enjoy PLAYING. Having fun is the whole POINT of the game, not just winning. If it's all about winning, then take up poker, it'll be a cheaper start up.  Do some research, look around. Watch other play and see what "style" you like. You have to know YOUR army.. Any army can be beaten by any other army.  Necrons took the 'Ard Boys tournament last year, not Space Marines. They weren't even in the top was the Generals, not the army type......

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