
Warhammer, how easy are the rules?

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i was thinking about starting warhammer, can anyone tell me how easy it is to learn the rules?




  1. Warhammer Fantasy has a great deal of rules.  The best thing to do is watch a game or two and then pick up the rule book.  Basically it is move, magic phase, shooting phase, close combat phase.

    Fantasy movement is probably the key phase.  If you can into an opponents flank then crappy troops have a chance to win over elite troops.

  2. The basics of the rules do require some time and practice to fully understand, a couple of games would probably be enough to give you a grounding.

    Start with Move, Shoot and Combat and add the other stuff after that point.

    Only by play do you really get to grips with the system and then the rest is fairly straight forward, and a heck of a lot of fun.

  3. A lot easier than it used to be!

    If you start with the introductory pack - which, at the moment, is the Battle of Skull Pass - then you'll find that it eases you gently into the rules with a series of linked scenarios that start off with just a handful of models before building up to something larger.

    Early scenarios begin by concentrating on the basics of movement, shooting and combat.  Later scenarios introduce more complicated issues like morale and magic.  Eventually, you're ready to include special troops like champions, musicians and standard bearers, plus magic items, armour saves and cavalry!

    The BfSP box includes the complete rules for Warhammer Fantasy Battle, two small forces of Empire (humans) and Orcs and a battle book that takes you through the different scenarios.  Once you've finished them, you're ready to decide on an army for yourself.

    You should be able to find a wargaming club not far from you - try looking in White Dwarf magazine for listings or asking in your local hobby store.  Plus, the Internet has dozens of excellent forums where veterans are more than happy to share their advice and recommendations with new players.  I recommend and for starters.

    Warhammer's sister game, Warhammer 40,000 (a science fiction battle game), has a similar starter pack called "The Battle for Macragge".

    Have fun!

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