
Warhammer 40,000 Stats?

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I'm new to Warhammer 40,000 and considering getting an army of Eldar. I just got the reference sheet but can't under stand any of it

What is WS, BS, S, T, W, I, A, Ld, Sv, and AP?

Please no comments upon the army... And relevant answers please




  1. WS weapon skill (used in hand to hand), BS Ballistic Skill (used when shooting), S Strength (used some times as damage for hand to hand), T toughness ( used to see if a weapon can damage you), W Wounds (S.E.), I Intiative (used for ties in hand to hand), A Attacks (how many die you roll in hand to hand), LD Leadership ( used for troop morale), SV Save (how high you have to roll on a D6 to save vs. a attack), AP armor penatration (the amount that is taken away from SV)

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