
Warhammer 40k 10 point question?

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im starting 40k nvr played before i have played dawn of war and fantasy so i have an idea i need spmone to give me a rundown of the races/armies because i want to know thouroghly before i start collecting (made the mistake of collecting goblins in fantasy) if somone can tell me this and maybe suggest a good race then i would much appreciate it and give the best awnser 10 points




  1. The best race to start with are either the codex space marines(not chaos space marines or any fancy ruled special chapters like the grey knights or the dark angels) because they are easy to get to grips with, good to practice painting for 40k models on (the textures are rather different) and have a high degree of tactical flexibility, plus some of my favorite history if that appeals to you.

    If tactical thinking isnt a strong suit, you can either use orks or tyranids for best results. both are hoard armys that rely on numbers, but use different core tactics. Tyranids will revole around synaps creatures, which regulate their morale. The orks on the other hand require numbers in regards to morale.

    Both are really customisable, especially the nids.

    If your a treadhead and like the tanks and heavy armour that 40k has in abbundance, then you will play the gaurd.The gaurd require numbers of cheap infantry, to a lesser extent than orks or nids, and have alot of powerful tanks to back them up, providing one of the most powerful longerange units, but they will get shredded in close combat.

    The tau are similar, but have less tanks are rely on being more mobile, this race has the most powerful infantry standard guns (S5) but will die in assault as, if not more easily, then the gaurd. They counter this with dedicated assault units, but the balance needs to be right.

    eldar are strong if you have the right mix of aspects (these are like individual cadre's in the army) but if the mix is wrong, the eldar will struggle to pull up a victory.

    Dark eldar rely on speed and have powerful weapons in both ranged and close quaters, but lack the aurmor both vehcular wise (all of them are open topped, and way more susseptible to attack) and on their basic troops. multishot weapons or massed fire will shred the dark eldar.

    Chaos is a stepup from the standard marines, adding assorted deamons and devoted troop types into the mix (bezerkers of khorne, thousond sons of tzeench, plauge marines or nurgle and noise marines of slannesh) you will be spoiled for choice, so its better to get a feel for marines, before turning to the dark gods.

    Necrons, truth told i dont know much about them. never used em, never played em, but i do know a couple of things. the army revolves around the monoliths, and the varying ressurection skills of the necrons,

    There are also other sub armys, the witch hunters, deamon hunters, ordo xeno's, adeptas sorroritas,officio assasinorum, and all them, they can be taken as allies for either the imperial gaurd or marines, and havce their own codex. dabbling in these allies is good fun, but dont use to many.

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