
Warhammer 40k Chapter Creation?

by Guest45472  |  earlier

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I need help creating a chapter name.. I am space marines (not chaos). My colors are black, gold and white. Any websites with tips or any u can give to me? Thanks.




  1. For a helpful Web site, check out  Its all about GW games, and has great and helpful people.  I'm sure they can give you ideas!

    As far as a chapter name...well, it can be anything you want.  Have you got thoughts on what sort of style your army will tend to use?  Will you tend towards a certain kind of unit?

    To get your brain churning about ideas, try combining different combinations of the following sorts of words:

    Metals (gold, iron, steel, etc)

    Weapons (swords, scythes, blades)

    Animals (tigers, falcons)

    Adjectives/verbs fit for a battle (fury, rage, vengeance)

    Add in 'of the Emperor' and such.  Try a few combinations like that.

    Golden Falcons...The Emperor's Iron Vengeance...

    maybe not good ideas, but they might get you aimed in the right direction.

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