
Warhammer 40k - Is this all you do?

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i am learing how to play warhammer40k and i came across a little thing that irratated me. I was trying to play with my friends with a bunch of space marines, but all we did was role 5 dice (because we had 5 marines as an WHOLE army) and roled again to see if it hit, if i roled a 4+ i think i killed ONE of his men, Then it repeated. Is this all you do? am i missing somthing? please help cuz its very interesting learning how to paint and stuff ^_^.





  1. What irritated you specifically?  The rolling the dice and relying on luck to win?  The fact that there was only 5 dice?  In a squad of 10 marines, that stand and rapid fire (fire twice), thats 20 shots.  It helps if you have 20 dice :)

    What's fun is when you fire at something that you need a 6 to hit, a 6 to wound, and they fail the 2+ armor save.  Talk about LUCK.

    Seriously though, there's 3 aspects to the hobby of 40k.  There's the "fluff", which is the storyline and all the background fiction.  There's the painting and assembling the miniatures (that's referred to as "the hobby").  Finally, there's the "playing the game" part.  Alot of people like specific parts of the three, and dislike the other aspects.  My friend hates the painting and assembling, but likes to play.  My coworker reads the novels, but won't touch a miniature.

    Hope this helps!

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