
Warhammer 40k Necrons?

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well im done with lotr and want to start a new 40k necrons army, my only problem is they dont seem to have hard heroes?

could anyone educate me on necrons?




  1. Are the C'tan Star Gods not sufficiently "hard" for you?

    Seriously, though, the "spirit" of the Necron army is that it doesn't really do "characters".  Hence the absence of "champion" models in the Warrior squads.  They are little more than the flickering embers of the Necrontyr who were destroyed to create them, with barely more personality that the metal from which their undying forms have been created.

    The Lords manage to cling onto a vestige of personality, through sheer dint of character, but they aren't on a par with - say - Marneus Calgar (and, goodness me, he's going to be one hard motherf***er in the new codex!).  Still, I have to say that a tooled-up Lord with a Staff of Light and a Resurrection Orb (which is the very minimum they should carry, IMO) can still give a typical Space Marine captain a very bad day, especially when he keeps passing his "We'll Be Back" roll.

    And if the Lord just doesn't do it for you, well, like I said, there's always the C'tan.  And there really is, seriously, nothing bigger, badder or less pleasant to encounter upon the tabletop than an Assaulting Nightbringer.  Even Bloodthirsters should beware when he takes to the field.

  2. If memory serves, the Necron HQ choices are really more support characters than ************ ones.  The can be kitted out to be somewhat powerful, but their true strength is in be able to improve stand back up rolls and to teleport around the table with a squad of warriors to lend fire support where ever its needed.
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