
Warhammer 40k Painting?

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I've recently started painting my IG army, but I soon realised that the citadel paints are expensive as sin. Does anyone know of a cheaper substitute that is easier on my wallet ?




  1. My son paints Warhammer, LOTR and Star Wars. He has used acrylic paints I have gotten from Michael's. Delta Creamcoat is the best of these.

    I think he sprays a clear coat on to protect them when he is done.  ???

  2. I don't envy the amount of painting that you have to do if you are doing IG (I do Word Bearers).  I remember my friend used a red model paint SPRAY when he did his Blood Angels.  Only problem is that they come out a little shiny.  You'll have to use a matte finishing coat after (like the previous poster mentioned) to take the gloss out.

    That way he just painted the details and the bases....

    So go buy some green....I'm sure they have some olive drab or something.....

  3. Your question raises several subsequent questions...

    -How many models do you have in your IG force?

    -Have you chosen a color scheme?

    -How nice would you like this Army to look?

    The bottom line is you get what you pay for. Citadel paints are $3.00 for non-metal $3.50 for Metals. If you have been instructed on HOW to properly paint using them, $25. - $30 bucks in paint can go a long way. Especially as you would be watering down the regular citadel line, minus the foundation paints and washes.....

    You can't be the Hammer of the Emperor, if your army looks like a rubber mallet....

    I would be careful to use any paints not specifically made for miniature wargaming models.....

  4. i like reaper "master series" paints. a little cheaper and just as good..maybe even better, depends who you ask.

    although, the new citadel washes are supposed to be the best right now.

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