
Warhammer 40k question

by Guest59314  |  earlier

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I collect an iron warriors army (chaos), and I was wondering if the special rules (free siege specialist, access to servo arm, ability to exchange 2 fast attacks for extra heavy support, access to imperial guard basilisk) remain from the 3rd ed. codex now the 4ed. has come out in which there is no mention of special iron warriors (or any other legion) rules! Have they just done away with them all?




  1. First off, the new edition that just came out is 5th. The 4th edition codex that is still being used has rules for Iron Warriors and everything you mentioned is still in the book. The new codex for Chaos Space Marines won't be out for a while so the 4th edition is still being used until then.

  2. More than any other Traitor Legion, the Iron Warriors - and the players who own them - have been shafted by the new codex.  It's a good codex - don't get me wrong - but all of those IW options and upgrades have been sent to the bin.

    We remain hopeful for a supplementary codex with Legion-specific upgrades, but don't hold your breath.

    Meanwhile, most decent opponents will let you continue to use the rules from the 4th Edition codex with the application of a little common sense.  Just don't expect to be welcomed at a tournament with your Basilisk battery...

  3. the new chaos space marine codex has no provisions for leigon specific rules, so an iron warriors army is the same as a black leigon army these days.
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