
Warhammer Mark of the Gods of Chaos Question?

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What is your favorite mark/god and why?

Undivided(Even though there is no God, you can still choose this one)

Khorne,Tzeentch,Slaanesh, or Nurgle

Mine is Tzeentch because I like pure and utter dominating magic.




  1. Slaanesh, because his minions throw the freakiest parties.

    "Attention! We have just been informed there is some bad warpstone being passed around. So please, make sure you sample it before it all runs out!"

    Oh sure, he/she/it wants to destroy the world like the others, but what style!

  2. I have always been a Huge fan of Death Guard, and My Death Guard Army always seems to dominate on any table I put them on. So I would have to say I love the Mark of Nurgle, the extra Toughness makes a world of difference in a good chaos Space Marine, there is also a great deal of exelent conversions that go along with Nurgle that many of the other (ex, Khorne) just do not offer.

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