
Warm-up game?

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I play volleyball and we need a fun and good warm-up game to play before we practice, know any? or know any web page that will have any games? please help!!




  1. play dodge ball on half court.

  2. Mostly when most teams warm up they get in groups of either 2 or 3 and play what is called "pepper" in pepper if there is two players than the players take turn bump set and spiking it to each other in sequence. if there is a third player that player can be an all time setter and the others just dig and spike.

    Other than that if you want a team game than you can do a team pepper on the net where you have one setter, 2 passers and a outside hitter on each side. The point of the game is to not kill the ball but rather roll shot the spikes into the other teams defense. If all goes well you can get a long rally going.

  3. The warm-up game our hs team played was ka-gee-ma (I don't know how to spell it, but thats how it was pronouced. You have 3 lines, a hitter (coach, usually) and a setter. The hitter(coach) hits at one of the 3 players in the front of the line, and the setter gets the ball the player digs, and sets to the coach, who hits at another player. The 3 players move to the back of the line when the play has become dead. Hope this game works for you!

  4. A game i really like that doesn't really involve the volleyball but will get your heart pumping is elbow tag. Perhaps you've played it? It's where people pair off and link at their elbows. There are then two people with out their elbows linked, one that's "it" the other that is chased. The persons that's it chases the other non-linked person while everyone else stands there. The person that is not "it" can link on to one of the pairs of people and the person on the opposite end then becomes the person being chased. If the person that is "it" tags the person they are chasing then that person that was just tagged becomes "it" and the person that was previously "it" is now being chased. It's really fun once you get the hang of it!

  5. I have two!

    1.) Dog house. On one court you have tree teams of how ever many. One team is in the Dog House, one is playing the Dog House team and one team is waiting in. You'll playing a scrimmage game and if you do ANYTHING wrong you have to go to the Dog House. You dont want to be in the Dog House!! But if you,say, drop the ball your team has to go to the Dog House and the other team will be out. The team that was waiting in after you before you went to Dog House will have to play you. If they win the old Dog House team will come and play you until your team eathier wins or their team loses.

    2.) Queens Quart. the same thing like Dog House olny you want to get in Queens Quart ( The Dog house) Any time you do ANYTHING good you go into the Queens Quart.

  6. My team is really competitive, so we played a game where there are four people along each side of the net, each holding a ball. There is one passer standing on the ten foot line, and one person waiting. The first person on the net throws the ball to the passer, who passes it.  The passer then runs to the second person, who throws the ball to the passer and gets it passed back to them. The passer runs back to the first person and passes the ball that they threw again, then runs to the third person, back to the first, to the fourth person, and back to the first, passing the ball that is thrown each time. When that is done, the passer becomes the first thrower, the first becomes the second, and so on. The fourth person becomes the person who waits.

    This goes on until all six people have passed on both sides of the net. Whichever team is done and sitting down first is the winning team. We always played this two or three times, it's a clever way to work liners into the practice and actually make them fun.
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