
Warning Spyware Detected On Your Computer - Help!

by  |  earlier

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The message " Warning spyware detected on your computer " started appearing on my system tray when I turned on my computer today.I need to get it to go away, can someone help?




  1. Download and run spybot and superantispyware

  2. Use this free and excellent tool just run it from regular mode

  3. You have a rouge antispyware trying to get you to click on the icon or install.  My advise is that you download the free version of Superantispyware.  Update and run and in depth scan. Free you must update daily on a manual basis or purchase and get auto. updates.  Will rid you of this message.

    Mind Doctor, France

  4. just dont touch the pop up!!!!!

    you will need to download a good anti spyware program like spyware terminaotr (free)

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