
Warning! Your system time appears to be incorrect. ??

by  |  earlier

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Anybody ever got the above message before ?

I have recently downloaded Battlefield 2142 Deluxe from EA, thru EA Download Manager. When I tried to login to the game I got the above warning. The clock on my pc is right and so is the time and date in my bios. I have been to numerous forums and emailed EA Support, there no help at all. I have even typed in the whole message into google and found one other person who has recieved the message, he was told it was spyware. I have ran spybot and windows defender and all they bring up is tracking cookies.

Can anyone shed any light on how I fix this issue. Please




  1. yeah that's spyware you get... please whatever you do don't click there of your computer will get infected.

  2. Contact microsoft

  3. Hello

    This is a very disgusted with the virus

    If you want to change the time, it can enter the bios of the changes. If you want to remove the restrictions, can be more open-way "change the system time," the properties dialog, click on "Add a user or group" to your system user name added to it can change the system time.

    The above methods only modification to the system limits the virus, the virus has not been cleared, but no date antivirus software error can not be launched to eliminate the virus

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