
Warning on Toxic and tick products?

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I am posting this because yesterday I had to put my 7 year old cat

fluffy to sleep because he had a severe reaction to sergeants brand

flea and tick medication he had severe seizers and tremors there was

no way he would have made it so I was forced to make the decision no

pet owner wants to make .... my heart is broken but now I feel I need

to do this for Fluffy so hopefully maybe I can save another pet from

being taken this way !

here are some other peoples stories i found on a web site

All flea meds,shampoos, powders have this chemical permmethrin its a

pestiside and its in all of them beware !

I am writing in alarm and concern about the Sergeant's Pet Care

products for cats that are being sold on the market. I recently used

a brand new bottle of Sergeant's® Skip-Flea® & Tick Shampoo for Cats.

Within about 11 hours of using it, my cat was having seizures, and

then went into some sort of coma. Her pupils were so big that her

eyes were completely black. I took her to the vet hospital where I

learned that the shampoo contained this chemical called Permethrin.

This is a known PESTICIDE that is lethal and toxic to cats. This

isn't the first case the hospital has had of cats coming in affected

by this. Nine hours after getting her to the hospital she died. My

cat was perfectly healthy until this moment. I have contacted the

company and they are not quite willing to cooperate. I am looking for

help in bringing awareness to other pet owners about these harmful

products. I've done a lot of research and I found out that these

following products are also hurting and killing pets (cats and dogs).

To read each story of what each animal went through is heartbreaking:

Bio Spot, Advantage, Frontline, Sergeant's Nature's Guardian flea and

tick products. I have emailed several people whose pets have died and

become injured. There an amazing amount of people that need help.

I've contacted the Department of Consumer Affairs and Department of

Pesticide Regulation so far and have not gotten very far. Sara

Paredesscr@aol. com Sacramento, CA:


"The day that ur 8 year old Tibetan Spaniel received the frontline

plus on his back, he seem very unhappy, like he knew he had received

something bad for him. The following days he refused to walk - he had

to be carried to his favorite tree. He was extremely lethargic. He

only moved to eat and drink. He seemed depressed - he did not wag his

tail, or show any affection as he usually does. IT was as if his

personality was changed - he became a depressed, sad dog. In the last

two weeks (after 3 weeks of this) he started to 'improve' and while

he started scratching a bit more as the flea poison wore off, he

started seeming to feeel better, to walk, to 'smile', to be happy to

see his dog friends on the street. He now seems just about fine -

although still not walking quite as much as he was 5 weeks ago before

the frontline" Lily lily0278@gmail. com

Alert! "Farnam's Bio Spot Flea and Tick Almost Killed our Dog."

One day while shopping, we cameacross an over-the-counter product,

called Bio Spot Flea and Tick Control (by Farnam Pet Products). It

looked similar to the Frontline product, but it was much cheaper, so

we decided to try it. The Bio Spot seemed to work just as well as

Frontline, so we used it again six weeks later. An hour after

applying the Bio Spot, we found Hamish thrashing about on the

ground. His body was completely stiff. His head was raised in the

air, and his jaws were opened wide. A thick foamy saliva was spewing

from his mouth. Horrified, I tried to determine if something was

stuck in his throat. His windpipe was clear, but he was not

breathing. His eyes began to roll back in his head. He was dying

and we did not know what to do to save him! We made a desperate call

to our veterinarian .... more --- Here are some of the e-mail

messages that I have received from others whose dogs and cats have

experienced adverse reactions to flea control products. (after

clicking on a date message board, scroll down a little to view the


Alert Zodiac flea control killed 2 cats

" We have just lost 2 cats because of Zodiac flea trol drops. They

died one after another , 2 healthy pets, we used this Zodiac drops

for about 2 moths as instructed on the package. The vet said it went

through the skin and damaged the liver. We will e-mail the company as

well." Andrei in Canada : andreikraev@

I shampooed my dog with Zodiac Flea and Tick Shampoo on sunday the

20th. The dog seems to be fine but I have extreme pain in the hand

I used to rub the shampoo in. It took me a few days to realize

what had happened. The pain starts in my fingers and goes all the

way to my shoulder. Unless you like pain or want to kill your pet,


Other testimonials about dangerous pet products




  1. I'm SOOO sorry to hear of your loss!  It's a shame when a perfectly healthy animal has its life cut short because of something like this.  If you really are serious about fighting these companies, I think an attorney would get farther than just one consumer, so maybe you should think about contacting an attorney who specializes in animal rights.  Do a search on the internet for animal rights attorneys -- there are TONS of them!  If you contact one and he/she can't help, maybe he/she can refer you to someone who can.  This sounds like the possible makings of a class action lawsuit.  Good luck!

  2. I never personally had any problems at my hospitals from Frontline but I did from the other products you mentioned.  Our biggest problem came from HARTZ.

    Thank you for the post and I am VERY sorry about your kitty.  Keep Fighting!!!!!!

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