Here it goes,
I don’t really remember how it began exactly, but I remember being in some sort of hotel room. It was just me and my mom, we were waiting on my dad to get there (we were all there for his business trip), he had been at a meeting.
Well, he didn’t get in until long after midnight and we (my mom and I) think he is having an affair.
The dream shifts a little bit, and I find out he is having an affair with a woman named Selina (I don’t know anybody by this name in real life) I feel devastated and completely betrayed.
The dream shifts again, and my mom and I are driving on a highway, it’s raining. We pull off into a HUGE park that’s surrounded by woods. We get out (it’s no longer raining, in fact nothing is even wet, there’s just cloud coverage) and some of my high school tennis team is there and my coach.
I don’t really remember that part. Anyway, we end up talking about two of the guy players that are missing (1 & 2), coach tells me they’re not, and points to what I now see is a drop off in the park a few feet away. I go too the edge and jump off and find the two guys sitting there. The number two guy looks normal, but the number 1 guy (who in real life I am attracted too, but he’s a player) is dressed like a rapper.
After seeing them I decide I need to go to the bathroom. They point to where one is, it’s at the other end of the park. I run across the park (it’s a huge field) and to the bathrooms (which is basically one small building).
I enter, and it’s like a bathroom from a horror movie. There are cobwebs everywhere and everything is rusted. There is also a Spanish cleaning woman, I talk to her (she is really spooky), I don’t remember everything she said to me (it was all bad), but I do remember her warning me that there were a LOT of murders around the area. Just then I here a gunshot. She laughs and I run out of the bathrooms, terrified.
Once I’m out, I just keep running. I run all the way into and through the woods, and suddenly I’m in the park I know and where there are a lot of tennis courts. I run past two people playing tennis and I warn them of the murderers.
We all take off running together, while hearing a lot of gunshots, the murderers are have some sort of war. We reach the park office, they want to go in, but I say that it is a trap and that if we went in we would be cornered. So we run onto the trail, where we meet Newman (from Seinfeld) he is one of the murderers and is all bloodied up.
He tells us that there is a master murderer who is killing everybody, including the other murderers, he wants to run with us. The four of us then split up, Newman and one the tennis players go left and me and the other tennis player go straight.
We then run into (this scared me half to death) a giant bear that roars at us. We are scared stiff and don’t move. When two other, MUCH larger bears approach it, the one that is slightly larger than it, swallows it whole, then the other bear (the biggest) swallows it. The bear then looks at us and roars. A band of other bears, its size, appear and charge us. We both turn and run for our lives.
The dream kind of shifts, I’m still running, but I’m seeing into the head murderers mind, he is Satan and he tells me that he is the one who has sent the bears after me and he is going to send all the park’s vehicles after me too (I get a vision of them all starting up), he also tells me that he WILL kill me.
Suddenly I am alone and in a wooded swamp area that is supported by bridges. There is an earthquake and all the bridges crumple. I then feel strangely empowered, and rise up in the air (I get another vision and see everyone I am wanting to be safe rise up also) and begin to fly over the ruined bridges and through the woods. I get scared and falter a little, but something gives me back my courage.
I hear a loud voice, God’s, which says (I can’t remember the exact words, it’s some sort of Bible verse I think) and I so love you that (I can’t remember the rest, but it’s all about Him loving me and giving me the strength I need to fight and win).
I then get this horrific image of a human without skin, that every time he speaks, the muscle rises up and the lips pucker together like a kiss. It says that the murderer (Satan) will get what he deserves.
I then have the vision of the murderer’s, Satan's, body suddenly convulsing and twisting into this awful position, his spine snaps, lighting flashes, and he changes into a skeleton.
I wake up, completely freaked.
What did my nightmare (this is not a normal dream) mean?