
Warrant or commisioned officer for army aviation?

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I don't just want to command choppers, i want to fly them. Is it true taht officers with commisions only fly for a while then when they're majors and stuff they don't really fly anymore? Do warrant officers continue to fly no matter what their rank is? i just want to be a pilot and fly the thing around




  1. If you want to ensure that you fly...and do it alot, then you need to be a Flight Warrant. That is their job. The job of a commissioned officer, in the first few years, will be to fly...but they don't get to do it that often. As early as their 2nd year, they can be put into platoon leader spots within a company. THis is to train them up to be company commanders...after that, they get promoted up the chain into more leadership positions. It is very hard for them to get time to actually fly. ANd when they do, it is just to keep up their rating..not their job. I was an enlisted member in the Aviation branch and my hubby still is as well. His company commander is a commissioned officer in aviation and never gets to fly. Aviation officers can command companies inthe aviation branch that deal with aviation maintenance, aviation operations, air traffic control...not just flight companies. So, if you really want to fly, go warrant.  

  2. It is true most warrant's fly there whole career it's rarer that a commissioned officer dose

  3. HAvent heard of that !

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