
Warren Buffett = $62bn Bill Gates = $58bn, how obscene is this?

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Should single individuals be worth that much? What could a single person hope to do with that much money in a lifetime? Abromovich is currently building a personal yacht the size of an ocean liner, while kids all over the world are dying daily from drinking contaminated water.. Should these people be forced to help their fellow man just a little bit more? Bill Gates makes such a song and dance about giving, but he could give a h**l of a lot more. I believe if a man works hard and earns his money, he should be allowed to decide how he uses it, but Buffett has earned his fortune by lucky investments and Bill Gates' by using the intellect of others.. as for Abromovich, dirty money doesn't even come close to describing his wealth..




  1. Let me let you in on a little secret about Bill and Melinda Gates so-called Foundation...

    Gate's demi-trillionaire status is based on a nasty little monopoly-protecting trade treaty called 'TRIPS' the Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights rules of the World Trade Organization. TRIPS gives Gates a hammerlock on computer operating systems worldwide, legally granting him a monopoly that the Robber Barons of yore could only dream of.

    But TRIPS, the rule which helps Gates rule, also bars African governments from buying AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis medicine at cheap market prices.

    Its foundation serve to finance research on AIDS, while making sure only riches can afford to get treatment.

    People should be less greedy and more human when treating with countries as poor as the ones we see in Africa. Almost no one there can survive with their earnings that are for most of them less then a dollar a day. How do you expect them to buy non-generic medications ?

  2. Actually Warren Buffett was vocal about the Bush tax cuts and how he was paying a smaller percentage in tax than those people who work for him. He was outraged and was calling for a repeal of those tax cuts. Good for him!

    Bush's tax cuts have caused a redistribution of wealth equal to "The Gilded Era". Time for Bush to go AND his tax cuts.

  3. They should at least give away the interest they are recieving every year to charity. Then again Gates does give alot of money to charity and so does Buffet, but Abromovich has done absolutely nothing apart from make a c**p football team good.

  4. The thing is as you stated theyre only "worth" that money, what the balance of their bank accounts is, ie money they could give away, no one actually knows.

  5. seems crazy like you say,no matter how much wealth you have we're all going to leave this life with nothing,personally i could n't live with myself and not help others if i had all that money.these celebs really get me as well like bono and paul McCartney going on about how we should be giving money to charities when they keep their millions.




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