
Warrior cats lovers come here?

by  |  earlier

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wouldnt it be cool if they made a game about it. like you ge to make a cat go through being an apprentice and becoming a warrior or medicine cat!! i think it would be funner if you got to live through your adventure tho not like firestars cause if you have read the books then you noe wats going to happen. if there was a game i think it would be fun like the game animal crossing where the game never ends. wat do you all think about it???




  1. idk about that... i think it'd lack action and freedom that most games like that offer, and i dont think the series is that popular. I also was disapointed enough with the 2nd "season" as to where i stopped reading it. i can only wonder how the 3rd one will turn out...

  2. Why not try your hand at creating the game you're talking

    about?  Who better than you to create this game because

    you know actually what you want to have in it and what it

    should like look?

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