
Warrior fans will you boo or cheer Baron when he plays in Oakland next yr?

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Warrior fans will you boo or cheer Baron when he plays in Oakland next yr?




  1. i am not quite sure they might boo but since the warriors gonna scrape the clipps next yr n e way, it would be nice to see everyone cheer him like when he dunked on kiralinko. I mean he did change the warriors franchise. But i think they will be better this year than last.

  2. They now hate the one they loved so i say BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

  3. They going to him BOO

    him so bad

    he might cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. cheer

    he brought us back and ill always love him for beating mark cuban

  5. Funny name.  You're a funny guy.  

    I'm sure there will be a few fans that will boo him.  But, I think the majority of loyal fans will cheer him.  Ws fans are very knowedgedable, and they recognize what Diddy has done for Bay Area basketball.  

    The Ws missed the playoffs for 13 straight seasons, and Baron came and changed the culture of the team.  He got us back in the playoffs and treated the fans to the biggest upset in playoff history.  True fans won't forget that, and will wish him nothing but luck.

    Baron wanted to stay with the Ws, but he wanted a long term contract, and mgmt wasn't willing to give it to him.  If they would have coughed up the $, Baron would still be a Warrior.  So, he did what he had to do, and I personally don't blame him.  

    When he comes back to Oracle, I think he will receive a lot of cheers.  But, no doubt  there will be a few that will jeer him.  Undeservedly.  But, our first allegiance is to the Ws, so I hope we kick the S out of the Clips.  But, I wouldn't mind seeing Diddy having a big game during the loss.

  6. Baron will play in the Clippers!!! Not Oakland...

  7. They love Baron there so maybe 50/50!!

    Whats with the name dude?

  8. LETS GO SUNS!!!!!

  9. When Baron Davis plays for the cilppers, most likely they fans will boo... I mean, come on, ur best player (heart and soul of the team) left for money..

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