
Was 9/11 a retaliation against US support of Israel over the Palestineans?

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...or what do YOU believe was the cause?




  1. Inside job...

    See Project For A New American Century.

    "...The New Pearl Harbor..."

  2. Inside job or not.

    Only facts are

    1)  Bin Laden was used by CIA against Russia in USSR-Afghan war.

    2) Bin Laden took the blame of 911.

    3) US government watches everything in the world. Even what you are typing now. Every site you visit, every email you get is stored for 7 years according to US Law. They even found Saddam in a p**p pit in nowhere.

    4) Funds to find Bin Laden was cut off years ago which was available for only for a short time anyway!

  3. some people, I don't know the truth behind it, believe our own government did it in order to go to war with Iraq for oil and economical advantages.

    This same conspiracy also applies to FDR and Pearl Harbor that FDR knew the attack was coming and did nothing to warn Pearl Harbor about it.

    I don't believe this, but it could make sense if you think about it.

  4. It appears to be the continuance of the first Gulf war from the early 90's; same groups of interest.

  5. That is what everybody says. Must be true. Israel is a symbol for what Al Quida hates and the Twin Towers is a symbol, too. An eye for an eye is what they say.

  6. U.S. support of the Israeli's is a big part of the problem .

  7. No. It was a joint CIA/Moussad venture to fan the flames of hatred for Israel's enemies and to establish the foundation of the New American Century.

  8. I have to roll with blitzblo on this one. Like it or not, this is the truth..

  9. I believe that anyone who believes in a Religion that promotes murdering people of a different belief of faith...   Are capable of any crazy act.

  10. It has some part in it, it really was a result of the cold war, the way America instigated Russia to invade Afghanistan (Russia's Vietnam), training Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban, then turning away to leave them to themselves. It was the West's Middle-Eastern Politics as a whole.

    I remember watching a program about American influence in Egypt. A man, from the other side of the tracks, was pointing to a Marlboro bill-board and a McDonald sign. He said rich Egyptian kids were buying all the "American" stuff, all he could do is look at the pictures but couldn't feed his family. For that man, anything American was really, really bad.... That's how the hate was created.

  11. yes , it was one of the causes.

    bin laden, himself, stated the causes on numerous occasions, on the internet, arab TV and in taped statements.  they were:  US military forces stationed in saudi arabia.  this was the biggest.    US support for israel.  US meddling in middle east.  and he wanted the US citizens to experience fear.  he compared it to US  bombings of arab countries.

    these are the reasons bin laden gave.  this is the correct answer.  if you dont believe me, look it up.

    bush and co.  fed the american public a line of BS.  and they bought it hook , line and sinker.

    it wasn't "they hate our freedom".

  12. 9/11 was set up by our government. the people that hijacked the plane worked for the CIA. and bombs went off in the world trade center moments before the plane crashed.

    everyone please search for the video "zeitgeist movie" on google and please watch it. thanks!

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