
Was 9/11 partly Bill Clinton's fault?

by Guest59505  |  earlier

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I've heard people say that Bill Clinton ignored potential terrorists when he was in office, thereby leading to the 9/11 strike. Is this true?




  1. He probably didn't have any input on the plan, but he knew about it. The people responsible for 9/11 work in the White House and the Pentagram. Excuse me, Pentagon.

  2. he was a bit distracted at the time early reports were allegedly received. at the time republican congressional members had assigned a special prosecutor to look into seeking his impeachment based on whether he had lied under oath when asked about his sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky and others.  media reports he didn't ignore the intel about the potential terrorist attack on us shores as that he didn't pursue it as vigorously as he could have.  Clinton alleges he passed on info to bush admin.,they claim not so.  big controversy over whether bush knew of possible 9/11 strike before it occurred from intel given him by us intelligence but failed to take action.  part of moves to impeach bush have centred on lies he told about the event.  republicans say impeachment would be wrong as it would distract bush from his duties as the savior of the USA.  so many lies so often by so many.  what is clearly true is that politicians lie and dodge responsibility.

  3. According to Richard Clarke, counterterrorism advisor for Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II:

    The Clinton Administration had a counterterrorism task force that was closely monitoring Osama bin Ladin. When the Bush administration took over they ignored the reports of this task force and failed to put Osama on a high priority as they were advised to do. I would say it's much more the Bush admin's fault ... after all dear George was enjoying his vacation when he got a memo entitled "Bin Ladin Determined To Attack Inside The U.S." ... this was just a few weeks before 9/11 and he did nothing about it.

  4. It was not Caused by Billy Fred the BJ king of Hope, but there sure wasn't an attempt by his administration to Prevent it.

    Ben Laden, the goat noodling herdsman, mastermind of the First World Trade Center bombing, was offered to the Billy Fred Administration and Billy Fred refused the offer. The USS Cole attack was also due to the sale of the Deerfield Military Oil bunkers in California, a recommendation by Algore and company, which made the US Navy dependent on Port of Call oil stops instead of refueling from Military Tankers as had been the practice.

    PS: Richard Clarke is a Solicialist pig who will hunt truffles for any handler. He is as trustworthy as Monica.

  5. During Bill Clinton's term in office ,  bin Laden told Bill Clinton he was going to destroy the United States ; yet Bill Clinton refused his capture by the Sudanese , therefore he has to share blame . That's one reason Bill Clinton became enraged in the now famous Chris Wallace Interview , when he was asked if he couldn't have done more to stop Osama bin laden.

  6. George ... Yes, Islamic terrorists were emboldened by the Clinton administration's obvious inaction.  I'll spell it out for you ...

    (1) A month after Bill Clinton was inaugurated, the first attack on the World Trade Center occurred in the form of the truck bombing in which the terrorists hoped they could bomb one tower and topple it upon the other, thereby killing two birds with one fat bomb.

    (2) In August 1998, two U.S. embassies in Africa were destroyed by terrorist bombers.

    (3) And in October 2000, the U.S.S. Cole was bombed.

    ALL these terrorist attacks occurred on Clinton's watch (January 1993 to January 2001).  I cannot expect the Clinton administration to feel responsible for the attack that occurred soon after he took office, but the simple fact is that there was no retaliation for any of these attacks.  The Clinton administration's obvious unwillingness to take any kind of effective and meaningful retaliatory action clearly had the effect of emboldening these enemies which eventually led to the attacks of September 11th, 2001.

    See my links below for further info.

  7. my opinion yes.. but its contreversial and all you gota do is look it up on youtube. they actaulyl have video foot of it being bushes fault, or atleast a planned thing...

    trust about 9/11 or something like that

  8. 9/11 is a world topic and the most terrible happening of its kind to mankind.

    The terrorists as heard took 10 yrs to plan the SHOW-UP and so many causes & faults are involved ---Who is Who?

    Therefore, it is worthless to find out but it is very valuable to know when is the NEXT & WHERE --- That is a 10-million dollar Question?.   We the eastern people see it through a looking glass, at a distance.

  9. we can not blame it on him.

    think about the people who planned it.

    what could he have done to prevent it he isn't physic

  10. IDK!

    But im voting 2 Obama!

  11. No. 9/11 was Nobody's "Fault". It was something that was GOING to Happen sooner or later- Because there will ALWAYS be Unhappy People in the World- just looking to cause trouble... And something Like It, WILL surely happen Again, one of these days...  :0

  12. Is it  Clinton's fault? Bush's?  Did they have a part in planning or executing the 9/11 attacks?  No and it is not their fault.  Could they have done more the prevent it.....maybe.

    Put it in smaller terms and our every day life.  We live in a world of violence and are all threatened in our daily lives.  We are faced with the threat of drive by shootings, road rage, home invasions, robbery, child abduction, child molestation, rape, identity theft and the list goes on.

    Say you are driving down the highway, you cut someone off by accident or maybe even on purpose.  The person comes by you, pulls a gun and opens fire.  Maybe even kills you or someone in the car with you.  Is it your fault?  No!  Maybe you did do something to tick them off, but it is not your fault.  Could you have done something to avoid it....maybe.

    You and your family are at home and you become a victim of a home invasion and they kill members of your family....are you at fault no.  Could you have avoided it?  Maybe, you should have installed a better security system.  Maybe you should not have answered the door.  Maybe you should have paid more attention to the alerts on the news about the home invasions.  Maybe, maybe, maybe.

    We face the threat of violence in our every day lives.  We are warned on a daily basis about the dangers out there facing us when we leave our homes or just sitting at home.  We do what we can to protect ourselves and our families.  When we fall victim to a crime, it is not our fault and people aren't saying well it is their fault those criminals broke in and killed the family.  They should have put in a better security system.

    It is not their fault either.  They were a victim just as everyone else was that day.  The question is did we learn and are we trying to make things better.  No one, no matter how good of a President or government they are, can protect 100%.  Just like none of us can keep ourselves or families from becoming victims of crime.

    If we spent as much time in becoming involved in making country better and involved in current events and voting as we do in placing blame and pointing fingers, this country would be a stronger united country.  Remember, they are people just like we are.  We are the heads of our families/children just are they are the head of our country.

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