
Was 9/11 the government,or terrorists? wat do you think?

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Q33 NY = go into microsoft word,pad, or wutever and set the font size to 48. then set the font to "Wingdings" and than type Q33 NY. (this was the 2nd plane's # tht crashed into the towers) you will get the fallowing symbols: Q: plane,3 is a page,but looks like a tower, another 3, N: is a jolly roger (skull and crossbones) and Y is a jewish symbol star thingy (terrorism) Gorege Bush refuses to testify the subject, and laughs a little out of hiding smthing. look at some of these videos:

9/11 Coincidences (Part One)


9/11 Coincidences (Part Twelve)




  1. I think it is a combiation of both. The terrorists couldn't have done it without the help of people on the inside.

  2. It was a plot by terrorist that the government was aware of and did not stop it, but rather took advantage of it to benefit themselves and wall street. People should be aware of the fact that there was 3.2 billion dollars in gold bars that was stored in vaults under the trade center that belonged to the country of Kuwait- only a little over 2 million dollars of it was recovered- what happened to the rest of it?

  3. The president refuses to testify about wingdings?  How dare he?  Maybe he has better thing to do, like take a dump.

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